
Friday, May 25, 2012

Stacy Eaton: Police Officer, Author, And Much More

Everyone's Story welcomes author Stacy Eaton as its new guest this week. I had the pleasure of "meeting" Stacy via Twitter. When I saw Stacy's fascinating bio, I knew I had to get to know her more. I'm happy I did. Stacy's a full time police officer, an author who combines the unique story worlds of law enforcement and paranormal, owns her own business, and is a wife and mom.
Stacy is graciously offering one of her three novels to a randomly chosen viewer who leaves a comment for her. Please leave an email address for contact purposes only.

You’re a full-time police officer, run your own business, wife, mother, and now author. What role do you identify the most with? Does a private Stacy Eaton and co-exist peacefully with a public Stacy Eaton or are the two vying in who snatches the most minutes out of the day?
Elaine – Thank you so much for inviting me here today! I am very excited to be here and to meet your readers!!! 

That is kind of a really hard question, but then again it’s not. What role do I identify the most with? While all of them are really important to me, I have to say I identify with the police officer the most. Here’s why… When I do that job, I do all the rest too! 

Being a police officer is like a business, you have deadlines, paperwork and meetings to do that are no different than any other office job.  You spend hours writing reports, researching details and plotting what to do next. 

While doing my job on patrol, I spend a whole lot of time speaking with people. It is not unusual for me to talk to kids and teenagers and feel the mother in me come racing out.  Same goes with the wife, the guys I work with think they leave the wife at home, but I’m a work wife to many and while I try to keep the nagging down, I do keep my eagle eye on the guys. 

As for the author part of Stacy Eaton, well, she lives in a fictional world. Stacy Eaton is a pen name that I use. Because of the line of work that I do and because of my family; I choose to use a pen name for the time being. Someday, once I retire, I’ll probably chance over to my real name. 

Stacy Eaton really identifies with the law enforcement work – maybe it defines her. 

Your police background must be incredibly helpful in plotting your novels. Or, does this knowledge stymie your freedom to create?

I love having the knowledge that I have! It takes a fictional book and makes it believable in a way you couldn’t expect. People who don’t know the true in’s and out’s of the job, the courts, the entire system have to do serious research to fill in the blanks to make things believable in their stories. I don’t need to do that. I have had 12 years to research it all while I did the job.  

I love using the bits and pieces of my job to add credibility to the story. I have read many stories where people used what they saw on television cop shows and I laugh. Those shows use some serious freedom to create, and the authors do too.  I prefer to use the techniques and the knowledge in a believable professional way, while keeping the story fictional and interesting. 

Your first two novels, MY BLOOD RUNS BLUE and BLUE BLOOD FOR LIFE, both part of a series, weave together law enforcement and the paranormal world of vampires. What an un-trodden angle! How have your stories been received by what’s perceived as no-nonsense police officers and imaginative readers who enjoy out-there fiction?

I have had people say that after reading my stories, that the reality I bring to life with my knowledge makes the paranormal seem real; like it could actually really happen.  To me that’s a huge compliment! I wanted a world where humans and vampires could co-exist and work towards a goal.  In the series, they do. 

For those in law enforcement who had read it, they loved the added action and bits of fantasy woven into the story. For the lovers of the paranormal, they have enjoyed seeing the mystery of a crime novel and have learned a bit more about the real life of an officer. 

WHETHER I’LL LIVE OR DIE is your next release in July—just around the corner! It’s a story that centers on domestic violence. Is this an issue you beat a drum for or one that you desired to explore in story format?

Oh, I beat a drum all right! Domestic Violence is a pet peeve of mine.  Not only in my job, but in my life I have witnessed the devastation it causes.  My point to this novel was to show victims that they can fight and find a way out, that they are not alone and there are people who will help them.  I also hope that family members, who read this, might see the signs and help those who are being abused to seek the help that they need.  

Abuse isn’t just about beating someone. That abuse leaves scars on your body. The verbal and mental abuse is what digs deep into a victim and leaves scars on their heart, mind and soul. So many victims think it is their fault, when they are never to blame. They believe that when the person says they are sorry, that they are and when the abuser says, “I won’t do it again”, they want to believe it, but it almost always happens again. 

In Whether I’ll Live or Die, I bring young adult Amanda through some very serious incidents. Her fear, shame and pain are written in black and white on the pages for all to see. Police officer Nicole will deal with the struggles of abuse through her job and the legal system. This is not a sweet love story, this story bring out the ugly world of abuse and is emotional and intense.  

My wish for this book it that it will touch people and help them to find a way out of the relationships that bind them. I also intend to donate portions of the proceeds to the National Domestic Violence Hotline in the U.S. 

You’ve chosen to publish through an untraditional publisher. Any perks or regrets you’d like to share?

With my first two books, My Blood Runs Blue and Blue Blood for Life, I used Outskirts Press, Inc.; a small self-publishing company that helped me through everything, one step at a time. I was so new to the game when I released those in 2011, that I had no idea how to do it all myself.  They assisted me with my cover, the formatting, my editing and getting my books out there. I loved working with them, and will continue to use them with the next two books in that series. 

However, with Whether I’ll Live or Die, I am completely self-publishing. I have had my cover designed by Natasha Brown at my direction. The manuscript is currently with my editor, Dominique Agnew, finishing the last of the tweaks, and then Clare Alaya will be assisting in the formatting.  To me it is a team effort, and I am building my team to help me succeed in not only this novel, but the other’s I am working on.

I love self-publishing and I don’t believe that I would ever want to do anything different. I am a control freak by nature, and keeping control of my work is very important. 

You help on the World Literary Café site. Tell us about what WLC offers the author, reader, and blogger.

WHOOP!  I love working with the WLC!  I meet Melissa Foster last year, and helped her launch her book Come Back to Me along with 35 other great authors. Once the launch was done, I worked with Melissa and about 10 other volunteers to help get the site up and moving. 

The WLC is growing so quickly!  We offer things for authors of course, but we always keep the readers in mind!  

Authors can enjoy forums to chat about their writing and find other authors who are willing to host them on their blogs. We have lots of promotions that are affordable and help get you noticed.  We also offer a Read & Review program where books are submitted to our vetted reviewers and then promoted on the site for a week.  We offer Nook promos, Free Day promos, Just Released promos and so much more!

Readers can find forums where they can connect with authors and talk directly to them. We also have 2 free e-books every Friday that they can download and we always show the latest greatest books on the front page! 

Bloggers are there to help with many things! We have elite bloggers who write articles and do interviews on the site. We have forums where you can connect with bloggers to set up interviews and other fun stuff like that. 

I can’t forget all the resources we have there too! We have a toolbox that is a PDF file you can download filled with editors, small presses, graphic artists, formatters and so much more! 

If you aren’t familiar with the World Literary Café, check it out! No matter what your interest is in the literary world, we have something for you!

Stacy's dog, Garda
And to conclude, you also enjoy photography. Would you like to share with us a few of your prized photos?

I would love too!  Thank you so much!!! 

Author Bio:
Stacy is a full-time Police Officer who enjoys crime scene investigation above all else. She also owns a business that deals with helping people get the awareness out for the causes they care most about. She is a mother of two and her husband is also in law enforcement. 
Stacy uses her experience at work to make the stories more believable - weaving bits of crime solving knowledge into her stories of fiction to make them more lifelike. 
Her first book, My Blood Runs Blue was the start of her writing career.  It brings the world of law enforcement into the paranormal world of vampires. It is a suspenseful adult series that will keep you guessing from chapter to chapter. The third book of this series is in the plot and characters development stage. She is hoping to have it completed and published in the spring of 2012.
There are several other books in the works for Stacy Eaton, but with her busy life you’ll need to check out her website to find out what’s new!

Twitter: @StacySEaton
My Blood Runs Blue
Blue Blood for Life:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Kelly Hashway: Cornering The Children's, Middle Grade, and YA Market

Kelly Hashway is Everyone's Story's guest this week. Welcome, Kelly. I first became acquainted with Kelly when she wrote children's books, and actually invited her to guest on this blog because she'd be its first children's book author. Now, I'm even more excited because she writes not only for the children's market, but for the Middle Grade and Young Adult readership as well. I wouldn't be surprised if Kelly becomes the next BIG name in these genres. Curious how she was first motivated to write? Like her stories, she has an  interesting twist to share.

First, a few questions for Kelly:

When I first became acquainted with you I’d met Kelly Hashway, children’s book author. Now you’ve morphed into upcoming YA novelist with a bright future (a two-book deal) and supportive agent, let alone a four-book deal for a MG series. Congratulations! Had you purposely used writing for a young audience as a stepping stone into the YA fiction world or  had your interests changed? Sure, the reading audience varies by age and all things connected, but does writing for the two audiences vary to the extreme?

When I started writing, I thought I’d write for the middle grade level. I was teaching middle school at the time, and I loved that age group. But then my daughter was born, and reading picture books made me want to give that a try. To my surprise, I sold my first picture book before I found an agent for my middle grade novel. And then it was another surprise when the idea for Touch of Death came to me. I thought, “Wait, that’s YA. I don’t write YA.” But I guess I do because that story consumed me. I’d never had an idea come to me so easily, and I loved every second of writing it. I’ve now written more YA than any other age level. So I guess I just follow the ideas as they come to me. I’m extremely grateful that I’ve been able to break into each age level because they all offer something different for me as a writer, and I think they keep my writing fresh.

On your blog you’ve spoken about having the experience of letting the story rip from your mind to fingertips in twelve days. What’s your secret of accomplishing this while still being a wife, mom, and doing the little things in life such as eating and sleeping? How are you guarding burnout?

Sleep? What’s that? LOL. When I’m drafting, I admittedly get kind of crazy. I gladly give up sleep to write. The story just consumes me, and I fall in love with my characters. I steal time from everywhere—when my daughter is sleeping or at school mostly. If I’m in a zone, I can write about 15,000 words in a day, and I find my writing flows better that way, too. 

As far as burnout, this year I’ve already written three books. I realized I couldn’t keep up that pace or I’d wear myself out. So I took a break from novels and focused on short stories. I also took on more freelance editing jobs to fill my time. It’s still a part of writing, so I’m exercising my writing brain, but I’m not wearing myself out by thinking up all these ideas on my own. Now, I’m drafting again, and I found the mini-break really made me eager to get back to work on a novel.

As an author who is building her career and growing her audience, how do you feed the social media beast as well as keep it tamed and in its place?

I try to be present while not letting it take over. Social media can be time consuming, so I set aside specific times to be online. First thing in the morning works best for me. But… I keep my laptop on and I’ll Tweet, Facebook, comment on a blog, or answer an email here and there throughout the day. I limit myself to about five minutes though. Then, I’m back to whatever I was doing. I keep reminding myself that while being online is fun, I won’t have anything to write about if I don’t get out there and live life. 

A Mall, A Book, and A Dream by Kelly Hashway
It’s not easy to trace a writing career back to the moment it truly began, but I can trace mine back to an incident that definitely contributed to my dream job. 
When I was growing up, my parents used to go to the mall every Saturday. Now, when you’re in late elementary school/early middle school, shopping with your parents isn’t the most exciting thing in the world. So, I quickly made a deal with my parents: take me to the bookstore first, buy me a book, and I’ll be quiet and well-behaved for the rest of the trip. And that’s exactly how every trip went. I’d run into Walden Books, find a new book—usually one written by R.L. Stine—and I’d read while my parents shopped. Yes, while they shopped. My mom would have to tug on my elbow to keep me from bumping into people, walls, and the occasional candy & nut stand in the center of the mall. I was in my own little world, lost in the words created by another. Created by someone I envied.
I literally tuned out the world while I was walking through the mall with my nose in a book. The only thing that mattered was the book in my hand—the characters who had become friends to me. During those trips to the mall, I discovered my love of the written word. I knew that I wanted to do for others what those authors did for me. I wanted to be a writer.
So, at ten years old, I sat down to write my first novel. This was back when floppy discs were around, and they didn’t hold anywhere near the amount of work a flash drive can hold. I took my love of R.L. Stine books, and I wrote in his fashion. I created characters and a very brilliant plot about a shark attack. Oh, yes, it was brilliant… to me. Looking back, it was dreadful. But that doesn’t really matter. What mattered was I was writing. I was taking my first steps toward becoming an author.
As I typed, I didn’t care about format. I simply wrote—one long run-on sentence. No periods. No paragraph breaks. Just words on the screen. I decided I’d go back and fix it later. (Look, I was already aware that much of writing takes place during revision! Go, ten-year-old me!) I filled the floppy disc, but I wasn’t finished with the book.
Well, somewhere along the way, I stopped working on my book. Most likely homework and playing with my friends got in the way. By the time I went back to look at what I’d written, I knew it was awful. I never finished it. Instead, I kept reading book after book after book. And I learned.
Today, I still read as much as possible because books are the best form of research. They make me a better writer. And every time I sit down to draft a new manuscript, I think back to that girl, walking through the mall with her nose in a book. I can still remember all the elbow bruises when I collided with walls and store doors. I can still smell the pages of the books I held so close to my face. And those memories drive me to become a better writer. I’m living that little girl’s dream, and I know when my novels come out, she’ll be smiling.
~*~Writers--looking back, what childhood interests helped shaped you as an author? Readers--how did your childhood reading interests differ from your peers? Kelly would enjoy hearing your answers... or just drop by and say hello!~*~
Author’s Bio:
Kelly Hashway taught middle school language arts for seven years before becoming a full-time writer and mother. She has published over one hundred short stories in various children’s magazines and anthologies. She is the author of the picture book MAY THE BEST DOG WIN and has several others under contract. Her full-length middle grade and young adult works are represented by Lauren Hammond of ADA Management. Look for her debut young adult novel, TOUCH OF DEATH, releasing January 15, 2013 through Spencer Hill Press and the sequel STALKED BY DEATH, releasing July 23, 2013. Her debut middle grade series, CURSE OF THE GRANVILLE FORTUNE, is set to release January 21, 2014 through Month9Books.
You can find Kelly Hashway at:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dina Sleiman: Dancing And Writing In God's Grace

Everyone's Story welcomes Dina Sleiman as its guest this week. Dina wears many hats: wife, mom, author, poet, dancer, and an acquisitions editor for Whitefire Publishing. Dina will share with us her insights on passion. Passion is defined in the dictionary as intense and emotional desire and enthusiasm for something. There is no surprise that Dina describes herself as a "passionate follower of Christ." Another passion Dina has is for dancing. Cuddle up with a cup of coffee or tea--or maybe this time of year--a nice tall glass of lemonade, and find out how dance has affected Dina's writing and how she uses dance to connect with God.

~*~What passion do you enjoy in God's grace? Dina would love to hear from you...drop her a comment.~*~

Dance With Passion by Dina Sleiman
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die . . . a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

Hi, my name is Dina Sleiman. If you’ve never heard of me before, allow me to share a few bits of information. My author tagline is “Dance with Passion.” I describe my writing as “lyrical stories that dance with light.” My debut novel is called, Dance of the Dandelion, and I have two other completed manuscripts titled Dance from Deep Within, and Dancing After the Wind. Hmm. Do you see a recurring theme here? Yes, I love dance. It’s a huge part of who I am, how I live, how I write, and even how I relate to God.

I have had the honor serving as a worship dance choreographer and director for eighteen years, and I have discovered that dance is at its core, a form of communication. It can be used in as many ways as words themselves: worship, praise, prayer, intercession, warfare, prophecy, evangelism, teaching, and yes, even fun and entertainment.

Throughout my writing, dance becomes a metaphor for life: for the willingness to step beyond yourself, to embrace the wonder about you, to move in harmony with the universe. Yet dance is an actual physical expression as well. As joy and celebration build within, they require an outlet. And so, our hands and feet begin to move, our bodies begin to sing and flow, releasing emotions from our hearts and culminating in dance. Even releasing the heavenlies deep within through our fingertips and toes.

Dance is a fundamental form of human expression. It can be found throughout history in nearly every culture. It can be found in the Old Testament as a form of celebration, praise, and worship. Dance is often a community expression, drawing us together in unity and love. David danced before the Lord with all his might, and God was well pleased. Even Jesus spoke of his frustration with the generation around him by saying in Matthew 11, "We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge and you did not mourn.” Yet how often do we stifle this wondrous outlet?

Most churches today that incorporate contemporary choruses sing songs about dance. “Dance with me, oh lover of my soul.” "Dancers who dance upon injustice.” “We will dance on the streets that are golden.” “Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace.” The list goes on and on, but do we take it seriously, or do we stand still and sing the words, hampering our bodies from becoming living, breathing expressions of praise. 

Romans 12:1 instructs, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship." Of course this scripture has many applications, but I prefer to take it quite literally.

Dance may or may not be acceptable in your church’s culture. However, I encourage you, on your own, at home, in your prayer closet and throughout your life to offer up your bodies as living sacrifices of praise. Embrace and enjoy the wonder of dance. Take time to relate with God through this amazing form of expression. And join me as I explore the unforced rhythms of grace. 

Author's Bio:

Dina Sleiman writes lyrical stories that dance with light. Most of the time you will find this Virginia Beach resident reading, biking, dancing, or hanging out with her husband and three children, preferably at the oceanfront. Since finishing her Professional Writing MA in 1994, she has enjoyed many opportunities to teach literature, writing, and the arts. She was the Overall Winner in the 2009 Touched by Love contest for unpublished authors. Her debut novel, Dance of the Dandelion with Whitefire Publishing, is now available at amazon and other online and ebook distributors. Dina is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency. She has recently become an acquisitions editor for WhiteFire as well. Join her as she discovers the unforced rhythms of grace. For more info visit her at

Friday, May 4, 2012

Laura Hilton: Amish Fiction Author and Advice On Your Passion and God's Permission

Everyone's Story welcomes Laura Hilton this week. Laura is the author of the Amish of Seymour series, as well as a devotional and two stand-alone novels. Plus, she's a pastor's wife, a mom who homeschools and a breast cancer survivor. Can we say amazing? I'm sure this is an understatement!
                 ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Book Giveaway:
Laura is offering one copy of her novel PROMISED TO ANOTHER to one randomly chosen commenter who leave an email (for contact purposes only) within the comment. For a sneak preview, an excerpt is below.


“May I take you home from Singing?”
Annie Beiler’s breath hitched and her gaze shot from the dusty tips of her powder blue tennis shoes to the drop-dead gorgeous man standing not three feet in front of her. Unfortunately, his tentative smile wasn’t aimed in her direction.
Nein, Joshua Esh’s hazel eyes were locked on Rachel Lapp. Though Annie had to admit Rachel was cute with her strawberry blond hair and the green dress that perfectly matched her green eyes.            
He was what her Englisch friends called a player, for sure. Everyone talked about how he never took the same girl home from Singing twice. But maybe that meant he would eventually make his way to Annie.
Rachel’s face lit up. “Danki, Joshua. I’d love a ride.”
Annie scowled. And when he did get around to asking her, she’d reject him. Seems someone should have the willpower to. Even though Rachel had talked about him and his ways earlier that evening, it appeared that she had only been suffering from jealousy since Joshua hadn’t asked her first.
Okay, to be honest, Annie did feel a bit envious too. Make that more than a bit. Not mainly because of Joshua, although he played a huge part of it. But partially because none of the men swapped from Pennsylvania had ever offered to give her a ride. Not a single one.
She didn’t think she was that unfortunate looking.
Annie brushed past Joshua and Rachel and left the barn. Maybe she shouldn’t have gone outside, because she did need a way home unless she planned to ride with another couple. But she didn’t think she could stand there alone by the barn doors, hopeful, when all the buwe she noticed didn’t seem to know she was alive.
Like Joshua Esh.
Especially Joshua Esh.
Annie kicked at a rock and winced when it didn’t budge.
“Annie? Is that you?” A male voice came from the darkness in front of her.
She jumped. She recognized that voice. Just hadn’t expected to hear it. Not in a month of Singings. She frowned. “Luke?”
“Jah.” He moved enough to come into the circle of light from the lanterns hanging around the barn.
Annie planted her fists on her hips. She wouldn’t make the mistake of falling for Luke Schwartz twice. Not that she’d fallen for him the first time. It was just—he’d asked. And a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Right? Okay, he wasn’t what she wanted, wouldn’t make her top ten list of dreamy Amish men, but he was better than nothing. She pulled in a deep breath, steeling herself. “What are you doing here?”
“Ach, that’s a wonderful way to welcome me. I’m home.”
She stilled, hope building, despite her internal warnings. “For how long?” She didn’t want to spend her life alone. Didn’t want to rely on the kindness of other couples for rides. Didn’t want to be the only girl left unattached, unaccepted, unwanted.
But then again, she didn’t want to settle for just anyone either.
Luke didn’t quite meet her eyes. “You wound me.”
Ach. Not for gut, then. The pencil fell from behind her ear and she stooped to pick it up, careful not to glance at him as she rose.
“Never without that ever present pencil, I see.”
She winced, hating that he mocked her. Okay, she probably shouldn’t take a pencil to Singing, but what if she wanted to write something down? The name of a book she’d like to read, or something she wanted to mention to the scholars. Maybe even the initials of her number one dream guy. One who stood somewhere nearby, but didn’t pay any attention to her. One who didn’t know she was alive. She didn’t dare glance away from Luke. “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you.”
He sighed. “May I give you a ride home? Looks like things are breaking up.”
“I’m sorry, but I already have a ride. Maybe another time?”
Luke laughed. “Right. I heard how popular you are. Having to beat the buwe off with a stick, ain’t so?”
Annie stiffened. “So, you couldn’t pay rent on that run down trailer and ran home to your parents, jah?”
Someone moved up beside her, and she glanced that way. Whoever it was didn’t register. What she did notice was that everyone had gathered around her and Luke, watching their exchange.
She was in enough trouble, only allowed to continue teaching on probation. All she needed was for one of these eavesdroppers to go home and tell their folks. She’d be out of a job so fast a racing horse and buggy wouldn’t be able to keep pace. She searched for something to say, something to diffuse the situation.
Luke’s glance slid from her to whoever offered wordless support. He sneered, then backed up a space. “Well, since you have a ride, I’ll just see you later then. Good to see ya, Annie.”
She forced a smile. “Glad you’re back, Luke.”
He turned and disappeared into the darkness.
 Joshua stood beside Annie for a moment. Silent. Wishing he could say something that would be a salve to her hurt. He felt the pain radiating from her as she watched the red-headed man walk away.
That whole situation confused him. He’d been attracted to Annie since the moment he met her, but when he fished for more information about her, he’d been told she was taken. Off limits. All but engaged to Luke Schwartz. And that Luke had vowed to return for her again someday. Apparently that day was now.
Annie hadn’t been waiting with baited breath.
 Joshua didn’t know exactly what that meant.
He only knew what he wanted it to mean.

A Few Questions For Laura:

If you were to bullet-style your self-description, how would you prioritize who/what you are and why?
  • Wife and mom, first and foremost
  • Writer 
  • Church member
  • Book reviewer

Your new release, HEAING LOVE, has the hero, Shane, walking in two worlds: although Shane has returned to his native Amish country to work and to live, he is determined not to practice his childhood faith. Do you think there are a few people across the many denominations of Christianity that also walk this tightrope?   

Oh, absolutely.   There are so many unchurched people in the world – and at one time most people attended…

Have you been a big fan of romances/love stories before venturing into writing them? What is it about these stories that capture your heart? What do you hope to offer your readers in your stories?  

 I love contemporary romances and Amish romances, and always did want to be a writer. They say to write what you love. I hope I give my readers an escape from the pressures of their world, and a brief glance into the life of my characters. And if God has anything to say to their life and situation, through my stories, I’m blessed. 

How do you juggle being a (pastor’s) wife, mom to five children, and a full-time author? Do you still do all the laundry?--LOL   

Actually, yes, I do. But all the kids know how. My sons take care of all the outside work and most all the dishes, and when I’m writing, they do the cooking too. But I usually do the laundry in the morning while I’m still “waking up” and not creative. 

You’re also known in the industry as writing book reviews. Has this helped you sharpen your author’s tools, and if so, how?  

I know what works and what doesn’t.  And I learn from reading them. 

Have you found yourself giving out any Mommy-advice to your kids through the years and then actually using this same advice on yourself regarding publication?   

If at first you don’t succeed, try again – or if God has given you a passion for it, He’s given you permission for it. 

Author’s Bio:

Laura Hilton, her husband, Steve, and their five children make their home in Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas. She is a pastor’s wife, a stay-at-home mom and home-schools three of her children. Her two oldest children are homeschool graduates and are in college. Laura is also a breast cancer survivor.

Her publishing credits include Hot Chocolate and Shadows of the Past from Treble Heart Books; a devotional in a compilation from Zondervan; and the first book “Patchwork Dreams” in her Amish of Seymour series from Whitaker House released in April 2011, the second book, “A Harvest of Hearts” in September 2011, and Promised to Another in April 2012. Laura has her business degree from Ozarka and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. Laura is a professional book reviewer for the Christian market, with over a thousand book reviews published at various online review sites.

Links to find Laura:

Facebook:  Author Laura V. Hilton
                     Laura Vernet Price Hilton
Twitter:  Laura_V_Hilton