
Friday, February 27, 2015

Carole Brown: Eight Ways To Stick It Out

Everyone's Story welcomes back Carole Brown. The theme of this blog is encouraging others, especially sharing the love of God, and seeing how the power of uplifting others through hope and faith can do wonders. I think this week's guest, multi-published author and sweet lady, Carole Brown, does a pretty excellent job at cheering us all along. What do you think? Both Carole and I look forward to hearing from you. Also, check out Carole's BookGiveaway!

***I'll love for you to take a moment and take the short poll on the right-hand sidebar of how far you're willing to read before deciding the book isn't for you. Thanks so much.

Carole is offering 1 copy of WITH MUSIC IN THEIR HEARTS, either print or e-version--winner's choice, although US only for print--to 1 winner. The winner will be announced here on Friday, March 6th between 5-6 PM EST. To be entered in the Giveaway, please leave your contact information within your comment. 


Angry at being rejected for military service, Minister Tyrell Walker accepts the call to serve as a civilian spy within his own country. Across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio, a spy working for a foreign country is stealing secret plans for newly developed ammunition to be used in the war. According to his FBI cousin, this spy favors pink stationery giving strong indications that a woman is involved.

He’s instructed to obtain a room in the Rayner Boarding House run by the lovely, spunky red-haired Emma Jaine Rayner. Sparks of jealousy and love fly between them immediately even as they battle suspicions that one or the other is not on the up and up.

Will their love survive the danger and personal issues that arise to hinder the path of true love?

Stick It Out by Carole Brown

She wished she could go away. Papa had always told her she needed to broaden her horizons. But now, at the beginning of war?

No, she couldn’t leave the boarding house to Papa and her sisters to run. She would have to stick it out. –from With Music in Their Hearts

Have you ever wanted to run away?
Stick your head in the sand?
Wished for yourself to be somewhere else?
Or cried out for “it would all to go away?”

Of course, most of us has! But life doesn’t usually happen that way. Most of us have to live through it, get by, or stick it out. And that’s not easy.

Let me give you three possible scenarios:

When you’re young and in love and perhaps married before finishing school or ready to take on family life, and you suddenly are faced with multiple bills that pile up and you can’t meet the deal lines of payment, what do you do?

--Buckle down, reduce your expenses if you can and cut, cut, cut. Hubby and I married. He had a good job and I was teaching, but we had a house payment, utilities and other normal expenses. Was it easy? Nope. We cut the thermostat back to what I now consider “COLD” at nights. We existed on hamburger and prayed in the rest. Lol now, but not then. We know God cares about even our simple little needs.

And what if your husband, or you, lose that wonderful job--your security to all the things you’re used to for a good life? How embarrassing and how scary!

--Yes, but how real! In today’s world, with businesses downsizing and closing, with the economy as it is, and some careers overloaded with younger applicants, it’s a horrible position to find oneself. When it was no longer an option for hubby to work with his uncle, he decided to branch out on his own. Scary? Yes! Lean years? Yes! But we’ve gotten through it, and our faith is stronger because of it.

And one more example . . .

Horror of horrors, what if you’re suddenly placed in the position of a single parent? My advice:

--Seek help. There are plenty of government programs that can help tide you over if you need assistance.
--Begin immediately to look for work if you’ve been a stay-at-home person. If you don’t need the money, join some groups in your neighborhood for the fellowship. Participate or volunteer. Keep your mind busy and your hands active.
--And don’t forget to give yourself room to mourn, to recover, and to relax. Your body and soul needs it.
--Pray often and remember that God is LOVE. He cares about your hurting heart.

How can we get through the hard places?

--Realize, God won’t allow more than you can bear. Easy to say/read; harder to accept. But it’s true nonetheless.
--Accept that there’s always a reason. Granted we may not know, may never know, but God does.
--Take the Job-mindset. “Though he slay me, still I’ll trust in him.” No matter what happens, determine you will serve God.
--Pray and lean on God. He’s your source of help and strength. Only God can see us through the rough patches.

Just as Emma Jaine, in my WWII novel: With Music in Their Hearts, had to come to terms with her situation and make the decision to STICK IT OUT, so sometimes in life, we have to do the same. Emma Jaine found her solution when she turned her heart and wishes over to God. He provided her answers for her problems and life.

He’ll do the same for you.

Carole's previous appearance's on Everyone's Story:

Stirring Readers To Act With A Heart

Why Learning New Things Is Well Worth The Trip

Carole's Ah-hahs To Tweet:
Rough patches in life? Author Carole Brown @browncarole212 has advice. (Tweet This)

Everyone’s Story with Carole Brown @browncarole212 : 8 Ways To Stick It Out (Tweet This)

Like WWII fiction? Check out Carole Brown’s #BookGiveaway (Tweet This)

Author's Bio:
Brown not only has her award winning (Nominated for an Epic Award, RWA International Digital Awards finalist in Inspiration, Laurel Award finalist, Selah finalist; Genesis semi-finalist) debut novel, The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman, available for purchase now, but a companion book called West Virginia Scrapbook: From the Life of Caralynne Hayman, filled with tidbits of information about West Virginia, quotes, recipes from West Virginia and from Caralynne’s life, pictures and discussion questions for the novel.

November, 2013, the first book in her mystery series, Hog Insane, released, followed in November 1, 2014 by the first book in a new WWII romantic suspense series: With Music In Their Hearts

Besides being a member and active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring beginning writers. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons?

Places to connect with Carole:

Friday, February 20, 2015

Delores Liesner: Why We Need To Be The Miracle

Everyone's Story is excited to introduce author Delores Liesner. I admire and respect this amazing woman, wife, mom,  grandmother, and author. Through life lessons, some coveted and others from the touched-heart, Delores is able to reach beyond herself and to give to others. No wonder why she's written the soon-to-be released book about why we need to be the miracle for others. Please take the time to share a kind word with Delores. Also, check out the BookGiveaway she's offering of author Davis Bunn's novel, THE TURNING. By the way, Davis Bunn has endorsed Delores's book. Wow!!

Delores is offering 1 copy of author Davis Bunn's novel, THE TURNING. Mr. Bunn is one of the endorsers of Delores's upcoming release, BE THE MIRACLE. The winner will be announced here on Friday, February 27th between 5-6 PM EST. To be entered in the Giveaway, please leave your contact information within your comment

Delores has this to say about THE TURNING: Today’s media frenzies, constant shocking news, and end-times turbulence reveals daily unlikely roads for believers, churches, America and the world. Davis Bunn gives us glimpses into minds that pour out such darkness, but also reveals how God still speaks to His followers today.

Cows and Miracles by Delores Liesner

Would you believe a cow turned me into a miracle-believing lady? Though I’d always known about Jesus dying on the cross, and the Bible being God’s words, it took a couple of amazing and unexplainable events for me to understand miracles could happen to me and through me!

Not realizing we were risk-taking hubby and I hopped in the car and headed for Colorado. Youthful and ignorant in the ways of the world, we’d learned the night before that the Navigator’s who produced the Bible studies our friend had given us were having a conference so we packed up and went! When a startled young man answered our phone call, made when we were already halfway across the country, we got to thinking maybe we should have told them we were coming!

Courtesy Google Images
The conference was full, but separate rooms across campus were found for us. Consequently we only sat by each other during meetings and meals, so we didn’t compare notes until on the way home. When we both started sharing the identical leading—to give a certain amount to a specific missionary for 6 months—we knew God was at work. The only amount in our budget that matched the leading was for food. Would God ask us to give up food? We said we would, and God surprised us with every meal in a most unexpected way. 

That is from Surprise Us for Dinner, God, the first story in my upcoming 31-day personal-challenge devotional, Be The Miracle! When God did that miracle (delivered a cow when we asked Him to surprise us for dinner!) at the beginning of our Christian life, we knew He was real, and that He dealt with people on a personal level. If God could do this, we figured He could do anything, and our faith grew with every story.

Each of the true incidents tells how God led me to bless someone else (often a stranger), or others bringing us an unexpected answer to prayer. Often when I share my stories, some women are excited to tell stories of miracles in their own lives. Others wonder if God would do miracles through them too. 

I always share that God is not a get-your-prayers-answered-here vending machine. But God does call all of His followers to put our hands and feet (and less often our voice) to our faith to be what I call a delivery-girl for God. Just as we represent our spouses with our children, and our supervisors with the public because we know them so well, and can anticipate their response to a situation, we can know God in such a personal way that we can represent Him to others too.

That takes time. In Be The Miracle! the life changing lesson, verse and challenge for each story will help you get in God’s Word and be the miracle—the messenger delivering an answer to someone’s prayer.

If you have a miracle story, or want to know more about my book come visit my blog at

Delores's Ah-hahs To Tweet:
Everyone’s Story: Meet Delores Liesner @DLiesner & see why she wants you to be the miracle! (Tweet This)

Like miracles? Author Delores Liesner @DLiesner offers a special #BookGiveaway. (Tweet This)

Delores Liesner @DLiesner: What’s up with cows and miracles? (Tweet This)

Author's Bio:
Thirty-One of Delores’ life experiences have been compiled into a devotional Be The Miracle! to be published early in 2015. She published over a thousand stories, devotionals and articles as columnist, freelance writer, and teacher. In memory of her grandson, David, Delores’ writing benefits the Fullness of Life Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ – which provides treatment funding for children with life-threatening illness. Delores writes from Racine, WI. When not at the computer Delores can be found in her reading recliner, convincing her husband she is working.

Places to connect with Delores:

Friday, February 13, 2015

Bonnie S. Calhoun: Interview With A Lovable Snark And Suspense Author

Everyone's Story welcomes back multi-published and multi-sensational Bonnie S. Calhoun, a woman of many talents. It's been a pleasure watching Bonnie's writing career grow and change, seeing her accomplish what she loves to do! Please take the time to watch her awesome and intriguing book trailer of her newest release, THUNDER, check out her BookGiveaway offer for 2 lucky winners, and enjoy the interview. Both Bonnie and I look forward to hearing from you.

For fun: please take this month's poll on the right-hand sidebar. Thanks.

Bonnie is offering 1 hard copy edition of THUNDER (continental US only) and 1 e-book for Kindle of THUNDER. The winners will be announced here on Friday, February 20th between 5-6 PM EST. To be entered in the Giveaway, please leave your contact information within your comment

Questions for Bonnie Calhoun:
As an introduction to viewers, your logo reads “Snark, Suspense, Self-Discovery.” Interesting combo. Please elaborate, snarkism allowed if you’d like.

Hmmm...Let’s see...snark because words roll around in my head and shoot out my mouth without passing go. “I sorta’ got no filter.”

:-), suspense because I love the 3 B’s...blood, body count, and blowing things up, and lastly self-discovery because my characters never get away without learning something new about themselves and becoming stronger.

You’re an amazing woman with talents ranging from singing (extraordinary voice!!), writing, publisher, webmaster, seamstress, and live chicken lover. Tell us how you got your beginning, how did you begin your professional career(s). Is it talent, hard work, perseverance, luck, blessings, or a magic elf?

Thank you. I am humbled by your praise. Well to start with, I don’t believe in luck...I believe in God and his providence on our lives. And to answer the whole rest of the question, He made me an inquisitive extrovert who’s good with her hands and is gifted by the Spirit for entertaining!

The “live chicken lover” is a misnomer though, I much prefer them fried than alive!

After penning suspense and historical novels you’re now writing dystopian fiction. Are dystopian stories your true fiction love, and if so, why? What’s next?

I have always been a fan of dystopian fiction from my teenage introduction to Lord of the Flies and Fahrenheit 451 all the way through to the latest machinations of dystopia like the Divergent series, the Hunger Games, the Wool series, and The Maze Runner.

I love “what if.” What if we continue to pollute the environment? What if we lose our freedoms? What if we figure out how to control the human genome? The possibility for stories are as vast as the imagination that comes from reading the news.

Yes, I’m beginning to think dystopian is my true fiction love because I am having a ball writing this series! I have turned so many “given and conventional premises on their heads. This next book Lightning will answer some old questions, but creates a whole new set of questions that will be revealed in the super finale of book 3.

I will confess there is at least a half dozen other little voices in my head that have great suggestions for new series! But at the moment, the “next” thing will be book 2 of my present Stone Braide Chronicles series that publishes in October 2015, titled Lightning.

About a month before Lightning publishes, there will be a new short story. This one will be titled Shocks and will reveal much new information that happens before Lightning starts!

Dystopian fiction opens so many possibilities that I have been truly amazed at where people think this series is going and *snort-giggle* Newsflash! I haven’t found anyone yet that is even close in guessing how this ends. tidbit I will reveal only to your audience...there are no angels or demons in this series!

Through the varying genres you’ve written, have you seen an author theme develop?

That goes back to my logo tagline. My characters are women and young women who aren’t consciously aware of the strength within them until their feet are to the fire. I love to think that within each and every woman there is a Laura Croft, TombRaider type personality yearning to be free! My characters think fast and always have a lot to learn.

For the non-writing viewers of this blog, please share what aspect of storytelling you most enjoy.

That one’s easy! It’s a very short and concise answer...Creating word pictures in the readers minds that both entertain and make them think.

In my eyes—and many other writers—you’re a social media pro. Which venue has worked the best for you on an author basis and why? Which have you enjoyed the most on a social basis?

Hmmm...Thank you again for the compliment but I only seem to be a pro because I really love social media. When you love something you naturally gravitate to ways of getting the most from the experience with the tools they give you.

Which ones do I really like? Well I think if you ask me in another 5 years my preferences may have changed, because they have in the past. For example, seven years ago we were in the middle of the blogging revolution. It was the hot new medium and everyone was doing it. I enjoyed learning the internet and how to write HTML code by creating custom templates and blogging. I wound up working for Google for several years on the Blogger Help Forums helping people with Blogger problems.

But as we’ve come forward and I write more, I have less time for other things. More truncated forms of communication like Twitter and Facebook have reduced the time people are willing to commit for interaction, and sometimes interaction comes in 10 or 15 minute spurts spread throughout the day.

My comfort level with any medium is also what works best for me as an author. My suggestions would be that everyone needs a website and a blog for longer stable interaction and entertaining. But my favorite mediums are Facebook and Twitter. I use them regularly and prolifically!

What advice does the present Bonnie have for the Bonnie of years ago?

Runnnnnnnnn! (If I explained that I’d have to hunt you all down....sure it always starts with laughing and joking and ends with running and screaming! *snort-giggle*

No...seriously...I’d let it all play out like it did because if I didn’t I might not be the person I am that could make a great dystopian!

For fun (or possibly on a serious note): if you had the opportunity to teach one class to a massive amount of people, what subject would you lecture on?

The power of prayer, the most under-utilized weapon Jesus gave us!

You can see Bonnie's first Everyone's Story interview here.

Bonnie's Ah-hahs To Tweet:
Everyone’s Story: Meet “Snark, Suspense, Self-Discovery” author @BonnieCalhoun #DystopianFiction (Tweet This)

Advice from social media pro, publisher, author, webmaster, seamstress @BonnieCalhoun #BookGiveaway (Tweet This)

Author @BonnieCalhoun: Why #dystopian fiction? #BookGiveaway (Tweet This)

Author's Bio:
Bonnie S. Calhoun is Owner/Director of Christian Fiction Blog Alliance, owner/publisher of Christian Fiction Online Magazine, Northeast Zone Director for American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), and the ACFW ‘2011 Mentor of the Year.” 

She love to write, but it doesn't make her happy unless there are the three B's...body count, blood, or blowing things up. She also has mad skills at coding HTML, and website design. And she lives in a log cabin in the woods with fifteen acres and a pond full of bass, though she'd rather buy fish at the grocery store. Bonnie shares her domain with a husband, a dog, and two cats, all of whom think she’s waitstaff!

Places to connect with Bonnie: