
Friday, March 15, 2013

Lynn Mosher: Glorifying God With A Blank Page

Everyone's Story welcomes inspirational author Lynn Mosher. Lynn falls into one of my favorite groups of people I look up to: strong and faithful to God, depending on the Lord for everything. In 2000 Lynn, grappling with health issues, answered God's call to write for Him, encouraging others on their faith journey. It's my pleasure to host Lynn this week. She shares with you, writers, why you should embrace the blank page. Readers--this is an excellent insight to a writer's thinking! Please enjoy Lynn's thoughts, and leave a comment about how you tackle that first blank page before the words flow, whether in telling a story or dealing with a life situation. 

Each Blank Page by Lynn Mosher

I recently entered a contest, for which I did not win, by the way, for limericks about writing. Here’s my entry...

There is an “albino monster”

That begs for attention and taunts her

It comes out day or night

Giving her such a fright

That now the “empty page” haunts her!

Oh, well! Only rarely does poetry strike my soul. However, this one is a little better...

Finger Painting

A blank canvas begs my attention,
A palette of white before my eyes,
Awaiting my fingers to begin.
What will be its completed surprise?

Painting images that dance in my head,
Drawing them in orderly fashion,
To give them substance and come alive,
That’s my desire, that’s my passion.

Coloring, shading, tinting here and there;
There must be a point at which to start,
To choose from the hues of my palette,
And blend them into a work of art.

Stirring scenes depicted by my touch,
To express the feelings of my heart,
Offered when troubles surround a soul,
For its comfort I long to impart.

Giving my fingers freedom to move,
Yet sketching with a divine restraint,
Guided by the Master Craftsman’s Hand,
I click on the keys and start to paint.

Obviously, it’s about writing also. But this post isn’t about writing. I used writing as an analogy. Just as any writer, artist, or composer uses a blank paper or canvas to display his or her work, so, too, do we.

This post is about the blank page God gives us of each day. It is to be filled for His glory with all that we say, do, and think. His plan and purpose will fill each 24 hours in the best way possible...if we follow them.

However, in all the daily hubbub of a busy schedule of running errands, working (and some working two jobs), appointments, emergencies, cleaning the house, or whatever, we get sidetracked and leave God out of our day.

Therefore, Paul exhorts us...

*“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Col 3:17 NIV)
*“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (Col. 3:23 NLT)

Each day’s activities will be gathered up and, on Judgment Day, they will show how well we filled each blank page of our lives. Paul said that each person’s work will be shown for what it is, because it will all be brought out into the light. “It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work.” (1 Cor. 3:13b NIV)

What are you writing on today’s blank page? Does it glorify God? Is it fireproof?

“He will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from
all blame on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns.”
(1 Cor. 1:8 NLT)

Author Bio:
Lynn Mosher lives with her hubby (since 1966) in their Kentucky nest, emptied now of three chicklets and embracing three giggly grand-chicklets, and an inherited dog. Through many hardships, trials, and health issues, Lynn learned to depend entirely on the Lord for everything. After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2000, the Lord whispered to her heart to write for Him. So, now, her greatest passion is to obey the Lord’s call to use her writing to uplift and encourage others and glorify the Lord.

You can find Lynn on the web at:

Lynn's Ah-hahs to Tweet:

“… the blank page God gives us of each day… is to be filled for His glory…”

“What are you writing on today’s blank page? Does it glorify God?” (Click To Tweet)


  1. You are so generous, Elaine! Thank you so much for your kinds words and allowing me to be a guest. You are a blessing.

  2. I paint but took a many year hiatus. Life was busy and time was always in short supply.

    Last fall I had to have surgery. Toward the end of my stay at home recovery I needed something to do so I picked up the paint brush again. My first subject was my friend's horse, a rescued Fresian mare named Willow.

    This was the end of my blank page and the begining of a new project.

    1. Nancy--great to see you again in this little corner of the world :) I'm very happy that your blank page has ended! God blesses us all with creativity... and I think you're very blessed :)

  3. What a lovely way to fill up a blank page! God always sprouts flowers in the soil of our circumstances. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Nancy!

  4. Hi Lynn! What a lovely photo of you (why do I think of Snoopy when I see your name?). Smile. I'm going to share this with a friend of mine who was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Keep listening to the Lord's call and following His will. I know you are encouraging many and giving them hope. Thanks for the wonderful blog ladies, and sending big hugs to my friend, Elaine.

    1. JoAnn, it's always lovely to see your visits here. I'm sure Lynn will appreciate your comments. I know I do!

    2. LOL Gotta love that ol' Snoopy! I'm humbled that you would share this. Saying a prayer for your friend. Thanks so much, JoAnn, for your kind comment!

  5. I love this post. Blank pages that God gives us each day. Often we just want to fill the page, but He wants to paint a masterpiece.

    1. Pat, I love that! God's painting a masterpiece in us! And if He's the artist, how can we fail?

    2. Beautiful thought, Patricia! Thank you so much!

  6. Happy Sunday Everyone! Hi Elaine! Hi Lynn, I love your post:) I do try to live up to God's expectations. Sometimes I go before him just to ask, what's next? I have learnt to let him guide me. A complete surrender. No longer do I rely on a "whim" or "feeling." I trust that he will reveal to my heart what he wants me to write on a page of my life. I am also proud to say in a few hours I will be off to church after almost 13 years(not counting formal church functions that I am required to go to). Who could it but God? Do keep me in your prayers because I am determined to make God not just someone I turn to in times of challenges, but I need to make him a good habit:) God's love and blessings! -Winsome

    1. Winsome--you're up early :) Sounds like you're embracing life--blessings! I confess that I've never been good with the "what's next, God?"--usually I earthly cave and cry out "why, God?" but I'm learning more and more to trust Him because I can see His love in my life on a daily basis and I know He has my best interest in His heart. I'm trying to look beyond a human day toward a more meaningful tomorrow... trusting that it will all work out.

    2. Hello, Winsome! Thank you so much for commenting. I appreciate it. Because you seek Him, He will always fill up you blank page. Saying a prayer for you.

  7. Thank you, Lynn, for appearing this past week on Everyone's Story. You've been an awesome guest, helping to uplift and encourage many viewers--my blog statistics show that! May God bless you with improving health, much joy, and peace.
