
Friday, June 21, 2013

Fay Lamb: Seeing God's Grace In Action

Everyone's Story welcomes back Fay Lamb as its new guest this week. Through the years of blogging I've had guests thank me for hosting them and viewers that have thanked me for featuring a specific guest. Before I publish each new blog I pray that each feature pleases God, as well as blesses my guest. Publishing Fay's present segment is no exception. However, I must share that each guest and viewer has been a blessing for me. Until I read Fay's words below, I had no idea how God was working His marvelous ways to connect me and Fay at a time that we could benefit each other. That's why I'm pleased that Fay's piece shows that we can forever count on our mighty and ever-knowing God. So, heartfelt thanks, Fay, for this beautiful gift you've given me. Viewers, take a moment to view Fay's take on seeing His grace in action. And leave a comment to take a chance on winning Fay's current release, STALKING WILLOW. We both look forward to hearing from you!

Book Giveaway:
Fay is offering to one randomly chosen commenter a print or  ebook edition of her novel STALKING WILLOW, book 
#1 in the Amazing Grace series. The winner will be announced here on Friday, June 28th, between 4-6 PM EST. For convenience, please leave your contact information within your comment. Thanks!

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms by Fay Lamb

You’ve written a manuscript. The editor loved the story, and contracted the work. Preliminary edits and galley edits have been completed. The story has gone to print, and you’re holding a copy of your baby in your hand.

Now, the real work begins.

Maybe you haven’t planned ahead and prepared for the marketing aspect of your career, or perhaps, while living in the pages of your novel, you failed to realize that publishers depend upon its authors to market their work. Could be, like me, you did think about promoting your story, but you’ve been busy working on other projects.

Recently, when my writing track intersected with marketing, I realized I didn’t have time to seek for and find avenues to tell others about the stories I’ve written. I couldn’t plan a launch party. I had no time to contact fellow writers seeking a chance to guest on their blog, and forget setting up book signings.

Guilt wrapped a heavy blanket around me. Stress sat on my shoulders like a herd of elephants. The weight pushed me to my knees and while there, I found that my strength lies not in myself, but in the arms of the One who gave me the desire to write and the stories to tell. I begged God to help me. I asked Him to send opportunities for me to connect with potential readers. With a boldness born from my desperation, I asked God to further my career. Only then did I realize if He isn’t ahead of me on the path I’ve chosen, I shouldn’t be on it. In other words, my marketing plan became very simplified: a daily conversation with God, down on my knees, where I request His guidance through the doors He opens.

Instant relief.

Instant results.

My wonderful guest host for this blog, Elaine Stock, was one of the first of many contacts that came my way prior to the release of my current novel, Stalking Willow. My editor announced an opportunity to attend the International Christian Retailer’s Show in St. Louis at the end of the month. She has also arranged radio and face-to-face interviews, and other events are in the works. My fellow authors and friends have interviewed me for their blogs and allowed me to guest post. From several of those venues, I’ve had readers ask to review the book.

Since I’m daily on my knees, leaning on God’s everlasting arms, when opportunities come my way, I don’t have to weigh them or worry that they aren’t right for me. I can take on the interview, the blog, the travel, and any other unique opportunities God sends my way, with the assurance it is in His strength that I move forward. I also have the joy of knowing as I work to promote my stories, God is allowing me to minister to others. That knowledge makes the marketing track of my chosen career just as exciting as the writing track.

Fay's Ah-hahs To Tweet:
Meet author & editor Fay Lamb on Everyone’s Story. (Tweet This)

Authors: does your writing time clash with marketing time? See what Fay Lamb did. (Tweet This)

God helps author Fay Lamb balance writing & life. He can help you too. (Tweet This)

Author Bio
Fay Lamb is an acquisition editor for Pelican Book Group. She also provides freelance fiction edits.

Her emotionally charged stories remind the reader that God is always in the details. Fay has recently contracted with Write Integrity Press for two four-book series. Stalking Willow, the first in the Amazing Grace romantic suspense series is currently available for purchase, and Charisse, the first release in her The Ties That Bind contemporary romance series will be available in July, 2013. The second story in the Amazing Grace series, Better than Revenge, is set for release in September 2013.

Fay is a past-secretary for American Christian Fiction Writers. She served for four years as the moderator for ACFW’s critique group, Scribes. For her volunteer efforts for ACFW, she received the Service Members Award in 2010. She was also a semi-finalist that year in the ACFW Genesis Contest.

Fay and her husband, Marc, reside in Titusville, Florida, where multi-generations of their families have lived. The legacy continues with their two married sons and five grandchildren (with the sixth on the way).

Connect with Fay at: (Fay’s website and blog: On the Ledge) (personal FB page) (Fay’s fan page) (Fay is the Tactical Editor, sharing self-editing tips) (Fay’s Twitter address) (Publisher)  (Amazon for print book)


  1. AnonymousJune 21, 2013

    Elaine: You are truly a blessing. Thank you so much for this opportunity to share.

    1. Oh, thanks so much, Fay. It's a pleasure to host you this week ♡

  2. Great interview. I hope I win this book--just went over and read the preview. pat at ptbradley dot com

    1. Welcome back, Pat. I can just see Fay smiling as she reads your comment. And you've made me smile with your visit!

    2. AnonymousJune 22, 2013

      Thank you, Pat!

  3. AnonymousJune 21, 2013

    Wonderful interview. Thanks for introducing me to an author I have not been acquainted with. I would love to win a copy of her book.

    Ann Ellison

    1. Nice to see you here, Ann. You're definitely in the drawing to win Fay's book. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    2. AnonymousJune 22, 2013

      Thank you, Ann!

  4. Sounds like a perfect marketing plan to me :)

    1. Jennifer--yes!! That's it! God's marketing plan for us! Exciting, huh?

      Thanks for your visit. Hope to see you again.

    2. AnonymousJune 22, 2013

      Thank you, Jennifer. I know you're one of those who pray for me, and I appreciated it very much.

  5. Another week has wrapped up here on Everyone's Story and an awesome week it has been. Fay, thank you for making this a special week. You've hooked the attention of many international viewers--and I'm sure you've inspired them all. I'm also pleased for you that you're now in the #5 slot of this blog's all-time most popular viewed segments. I pray that this will bring you many more fans, as well as bless the hearts of all those who have taken the time to read your words.

    Thanks too for your lovely BookGiveaway of STALKING WILLOW. And the winner is...

    Ann. Yea, Ann! Both Fay & I will contact you in private emails. Enjoy the book.

  6. AnonymousJune 28, 2013

    Thank you, Elaine. How exciting to be #5. I'm overjoyed by the reception of your readers.
