Friday, March 13, 2015

Patty Wysong: Remembering Why I Write

Everyone's Story warmly welcomes the phenomenal Patty Wysong. Patty is a multi-talented woman and it shows in her writing, website design, her love for family, friends, and animals, and her patience in and desire to help others. I've gotten to know first-hand about this extraordinary woman by working with her on the Amazon best-selling CHRISTMAS TREASURES: A COLLECTION OF CHRISTMAS STORIES, as well as when she helped me with frantic questions about my blog. I'm thankful Patty accepted my invitation to guest this week. She shares her heart, and I hope you will share a fond hello and perhaps a few other thoughts about traveling through different seasons of life, being true to yourself, being true to God.

***I'll love for you to take a moment and take the short poll on the right-hand sidebar of how far you're willing to read before deciding a book isn't for you. Thanks so much.

Patti is offering 1 e-copy of Jeff Goins' spiritual memoir THE IN-BETWEEN, a book that Patty says was a big help during her time of silence. The winner will be announced here on Friday, March 20th between 5-6 PM EST. To be entered in the Giveaway, please leave your contact information within your comment

Traveling Through Seasons by Patty Wysong

A while back I sensed that God was leading me into a season of silence, and I was right. I was okay with the thought of silence, but I had no idea it would last as long as it has. Like grieving, I think I’ve gone through every stage: sad, depressed, angry, dejected, acceptance, comfort within the silence, longing for the words to restart… I’ve been through all those and more a few times now.

God has been faithful throughout it all… The need to set aside my writing for my family. The transition to life on the road and being gone half-the-time. The sudden and at-that-time unwelcome marriage of a daughter. The birth and death of a huge family business venture. The change from being a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to a working mom.

God is always faithful. In the midst of each season He whispered things to my heart that were for me alone, things that kept me going when stopping wasn’t an option.

Now the words are coming again. Slowly. Painstakingly. It’s like water coming out of a rusty pipe that hasn’t been used in a long, long time. With starts and stops, wheezing, gasping, gurgling, sputtering. Words that landed on the page but then I hesitated, hearing all the voices around me. And discouragement set in.

After years of silence, the words had returned, but as I listened to those good voices around me I pulled those first words on paper back to myself. Were they good enough? I’d been silent so long maybe I forgot all I had learned. Maybe I was too rusty. Maybe those words were only for me… All those good voices, crowded out why I wrote.

So I withdrew back into my silence. I had become comfortable there. I became convinced that those written words were just for me.

But like Jeremiah said, there was a burning in my bones. Deep inside I knew the words needed freeing. That in freeing them I would be free again. The problem was, I had lost my voice. I had lost my nerve.

Then my sister started reading a book I’d recommended. As we chatted about it she pointed me to the questions in a simple exercise. Why do you write? What drives your desire to write? What is its central purpose? She encouraged me to pull out my journal and work through those questions. Smart lady. Two nights later, pen in hand, the words slowly began. Then it came pouring out and I wrote as fast as I could. As I wrote joy returned.

I remembered why I wrote.

I saw and recognized what drives me to write and its purpose on several levels.

It’s true. Obedience leads to joy.

Sure, the words still feel rusty to me. They still come in gurgles and sputterings. But that’s okay. I’ve remembered why I write and I’ve retuned my ears to the Voice. Once again I’m writing out of obedience and that obedience is bringing me abounding joy, regardless of the outcome.

So tell me, have you become discouraged with your writing? Maybe it’s time to go back and rediscover why you write. What is it that drives you to write?

Patty's Ah-hahs To Tweet:
Everyone’s Story: Why does @PattyWysong say obedience leads to joy? (Tweet This)

Meet lovable @PattyWysong: author, talented blogger, and mom to Capuchin monkeys. #BookGiveaway (Tweet This)

Check out @PattyWysong’s #BookGiveaway of Jeff Goin’s book THE IN-BETWEEN (Tweet This)

Author's Bio:
Since Patty quit running from God's call on her life and surrendered her pen to Him, she's been happy. Life is never dull as she juggles being a wife, mom to a handful of kids and a couple of Capuchin monkeys, life on the road, a warehouse manager, and being a writer. As long as she's obeying God's leading, she figures that sanity is a novelty and not a necessity in the zoo she lives in. Patty clings to the promise that God will enable her to do what He asks of her, otherwise she would be living with the scaredy cats at the Funny Farm and not just occasionally visiting. Her book, Waging War on Worry and Winning Peace will be available on Kindle soon.

You can find her on her blog, Patterings, as well as on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, too.


  1. The "The In Between" sounds like the perfect book for my son right now. Patty's upcoming book sounds like one I'd enjoy reading. Great interview Elaine. Trying to get back into another season of writing for me.

    1. Barbara, thanks for visiting! There are definitely seasons for writing. For me, I've either sailed through them as if on a speedboat or like now, I trudge. LOL--perhaps I'm just more demanding of myself.

      I also want to read Patty's book, as well as yours, so keep on writing,Barbara!!

    2. Barbara, it's nice to meet you! Jeff's book was exactly what I needed at that time and I was so thankful for it. Praying you can get back to writing!

  2. Hi Elaine and Patty -

    While I haven't stopped writing, there's been a season where words were a struggle and self doubt whispered in my ear. Only recently, through the counsel of dear friends and Jeff's newest book, The Art of Work, has the joy come back to my writing. I'd love to read this book you're giving away. susanjreinhardt AT gmail DOT com

    1. Susan, I appreciate your visiting this evening and for sharing so honestly about your writing and inner doubts. I think we all go through this, probably because we expose our souls every time we write.

    2. I can so relate to self doubt, Susan. I struggle with it all the time.

      Jeff's book, The Art of Work, is next on my docket to read. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. Thanks for stopping by!

    3. Elaine, thanks so much for having me! What an honor and treat, especially after being gone so long. I'm so thankful for God's presence through everything. He is so faithful!!

      Thanks again!

    4. Patty, it's a true delight to host you this week. You're inspiration with a kind chuckle!

  3. Back in 2001 I felt God's nudging to stop writing fiction and co-write an abstinence curriculum. That lasted about 6 years, and when God gave me back my fiction stories, He also gave me a mentor. I think He really blesses obedience.

    1. Fascinating, Pat. The word obedience keeps popping up in my devotional readings and elsewhere, which I'm believing is NOT coincidence.

      Always a pleasure to see you.

    2. Isn't that just like God, Pat?! Love it!!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. A great post, Patty, and one I can identify with, particularly now. It reminded me of a post I did awhile back, TIME WELL SPENT IN GOD’S WAITING ROOM. I think there is important work being accomplished in those dry or silent places, though it may take time to look back and see it. Thanks Elaine for having Patty as your guest. JanetGrunst AT gmail Dot com.

    1. Janet--great concept: God's waiting room. Love it! It sort of complements this past week for me when I've sensed that I need to quiet down a bit so I could hear Him talking more to me.

      Was this a post you did for your blog? I'll have to check it out.

    2. I remember that post, Janet, and really enjoyed it. Time spent there is never wasted and it's such a comfort!! Especially since times of waiting and silence aren't the most comfortable nor enjoyable.

      Thanks for stopping!! It's so good seeing you around again. I've missed you!!! Hugs!

  5. Patty, you've expressed yourself so well, I sense the "pouring out" will come very soon. I recently retired after working fulltime for 45 years. With two children, a husband who traveled, and mom who lived with us, I had to write in windows of time. I found that the words were always there, it was a matter of taking advantage of those windows. I recognized, too, that it was all in God's time. Can't wait to read what you write, Patty.

    1. Susan, I'm glad to see you. I agree about taking advantage of those opportunity windows, yet also agree that sometimes as you and Patty say, it's a matter of His timing.

    2. Aw, Susan, thanks so much for the encouragement! I feel like I'm poised on the starting line, listening for the buzzer to ring and the anticipation in me is building. :)

      You're very right. Those windows of time are key.
      Thanks for stopping!

  6. This statement of yours has been a constant in my life: "In the midst of each season He whispered things to my heart that were for me alone." What comfort our Lord offers. Thanks for a great post.

    1. So glad you appreciated Patty's post, Davalyn. So glad you visited!

    2. It's been a constant in my life too, Davalynn, and I'm so thankful for it!

      Thanks for stopping by!!

  7. Patty, I can identify with your "rusty pipe" analogy. That's how I've been feeling as I write my fourth book. Like you, I'm plugging away in hopes that the stream will soon flow clear in abundance. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello, my sweet friend, AnnaLee. Thanks for visiting today.

      I hope Patty's words do inspire you to move forward--your stories are amazing!

    2. Abundance...that's one of those intriguing words that call to me. That abundance is from God and is so special. Praying you, that God's abundance will pour through you as you keep writing.

      Thanks for stopping! It was nice to meet you, AnnaLee!

  8. Patty, you've so beautifully articulated what many of us experience at some point in our writing. For me, "obedience leads to joy" has much meaning. I struggled with stops and starts for years trying to publish in a market that went against my nature and what God wanted for me. Once I reconciled with Him, however, my heart became fully engaged in my writing; I felt joy, and new passion I'd never experienced before. You are wise to listen to that Voice, and know that everything happens in God's time. I pray your words continue to flow on the page!

    1. Kate, what sweet words of encouragement, not only for Patty, but for all of us. Thanks so much for visiting.

    2. Thank you, Kate! Isn't it something to see and experience the full engagement and joy?

      Thanks for stopping by!!

  9. Patty,
    It's so nice to see your smile even if it's not in person. Even better to know you are back to writing. I've been missing you.

    1. Diana, I've been hoping you would visit! One day the 3 of us will smile over lunch. Actually, what would be even better is lunch with all of you wonderful commenters who visited today :)

    2. (((Diana))) I've missed you! I'm so thankful to be writing again. I wondered if I would... You're such an encouragement to me. Thank you!!! =]

    3. Elaine, THAT would be soooooo very cool!! Heaven! Can't wait!! =]

  10. Patty, thanks for sharing. I've missed hearing from you. It's good
    to know we're not alone as we go through the valleys and the
    different seasons of life and writing. I remember a time when
    the Lord kept saying, "Rest" to me and it was during
    that time He led me to write devotions instead of novels, but I
    wondered if the direction for my stories would come back, but
    it did. Slow and sputtering as you say, but the words came back.
    You've been in my thoughts and prayers as the Lord puts
    you on my heart.

    1. Kathy, so nice to see you. Funny, about this season of rest. I fought a wicked case of exhaustion today and post church gave into relaxing with a book (rather than write one😉) but it took a while to shake off the guilt. I'm sharing this because in relaxing I realized I handed the "job" over to God.

    2. Aw, Kathy, thank you!! I've missed you too!!

      Learning to hear and heed His voice is so important, on so many levels. I'm thankful for His patience!! And for His sovereignty. He knows we need...

    3. Thanks, Elaine. You're right about resting in Him and handing
      the job over to God. Sometimes we do need to relax and
      recoup or reconnect with others. :)

  11. Hi Patty,

    Your story resonates with me. I did my silence a bit backward, which is true w/much of how I seem to be led (or miss my leading…) Anyway, I love your down-to-earth attitude about this forced sabbatical you've had. And the pic of you is superb! Thanks, good to be back in touch.

    Gail Kittleson gkittleson at myomnitel dot com

    1. Gail, as always, nice to see you. Seems like we all go through seasons, for sure. It's good to share these things.

    2. Gail, it really was a forced sabbatical. I did not want to stop writing, but I knew that I had and I'm so glad I obeyed. It wasn't easy but God was there all through it. I'm so thankful.

      It's good to see you again, Gail!! =]

  12. Patty, thank you for not only being such a phenomenal guest this past week but for stirring and motivating many hearts.There's nothing like a good dosage of encouragement, especially at winter's end! You've received many viewer hits and I hope this will help to grow your reading audience.

    Thanks too for offering the BookGiveaway of Jeff Goins' book THE IN-BETWEEN. The winner of Jeff's book is…

    Susan R. Yay, Susan. Both Patty and I will be in direct contact with you shortly.

    Blessings to all.

    1. Thank YOU so very much, Elaine! You're an encouragement to me and I'm sure many others. Can't wait to someday meet you!!! =]

      Susan, congratulations! I hope you enjoy Jeff's book. It encouraged me. If you haven't already, you should be receiving the book soon. =]

    2. ...and Elaine, you guys totally, TOTALLY overwhelmed me. The comments and encouragement, and all the tweets. Oh my goodness. It all blew me away. Unbelievable.

      Thank you.
      <3 Hugs!

    3. You're welcome, Patty. You're certainly worth all the attention!

      And we will meet. I'm sure.

  13. Dear Elaine, Thank you for an inspiring post. I have only written for a few years and have often times considered quitting. I am not a writer but the Lord just wouldn't allow me to put down my pen. And so, He writes. As I continue to obey I have been blessed by introductions to many fabulous authors such as yourself and now Parry Wysong. I feel rich! Thank you for your faithfulness and your bubbling spirit! Love, Margie Houmes

    1. Margie, how I wish you could see a wide smile on my face right now. Thank you for your sweet words. YOU have inspired me today to keep writing, because as you've said, I believe it is He that writes what needs to be written and for the audience He wants to reach when He wants to reach it. I will make sure Patty sees your comment.

      Hope to see you again. Be blessed. You are His daughter!

    2. Margie, thank you for stopping by! Obedience is one of those things... the blessings that flow as a result of it can be incredible and unexpected. What an awesome God He is!! =]

      Keeping our writing in our open hand makes it so He can use it as He wants and it takes that burden off of us. Does it mean we can sit back and just write in our cave? No, we still need to be diligent and good stewards, but we know He is Lord of the harvest. Such a relief, isn't it?

      Thanks for stopping by! You've been an encouragement! =]


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