
Friday, September 4, 2015

Susan Anne Mason: The Courage To Dream

Everyone's Story welcomes back author Susan Anne Mason. One of the things I've come to enjoy about hosting authors on my blog is that I get to see their writing careers blossom through the months and years since they've been on last. That's the case with Susan! It was a delight to walk into a store just last week and to see her novel on the shelf. I'm so happy for you, Susan! Yet, ever wonder about the effort it takes to accomplish what Susan has--not only the physical part about sitting down to write and committing to do so, but the emotional journey of many ups and downs? Susan shares with you insights about this journey. Also, check out her cover blurb of IRISH MEADOWS. Both Susan and I look forward to hearing from you!

Just One by Susan Anne Mason

Thank you for having me back on your blog, Elaine! Last month my first historical romance, IRISH MEADOWS, came out with Bethany House Publishers. I am thrilled at the wonderful response this story is receiving, especially since at one time, I doubted it would ever get published.

I wrote most of Irish Meadows during the November Novel Writing Month in 2011. I continued working on it and finished the book by Christmas. (Keep in mind this was a VERY rough draft!) I worked on editing the manuscript for probably a year and then started entering it in contests.

At the ACFW conference in 2013, I came prepared to pitch Irish Meadows to both agents and editors. I was aware that it posed some challenges, such as the fact that it contained two distinct love stories, and the fact that one of the heroes was in the seminary studying to become a priest! Sure enough, these issues were huge stumbling blocks, and I got nowhere with my pitches—only lots of advice how to change my book.

But I loved my story and I had no intention of changing it. I had faith that either the right editor would come along, or I’d eventually publish it myself. In early 2014, I learned that Irish Meadows won a contest I’d entered and that Dave Long from Bethany House wanted to see the whole manuscript! I was so excited that he loved my book and couldn’t believe it when a few weeks later, I was offered a 3-book contract!!

The moral of the story is that it only takes one person to love your story. Keep on trying to find the right fit and don’t give up!

Note: Book 2 in the Courage to Dream Series, A Worthy Heart, releases in January and is available for pre-order on most sites!

Book cover blurb for Irish Meadows:
Irish immigrant, James O’Leary, has spent his life building Irish Meadows into a thriving horse farm and is not about to let hard economic times threaten its success. He intends for his daughters to marry prosperous men—ones who will secure the family’s rightful place in society, and at the same time, guarantee the future of Irish Meadows. Both girls, however, have different visions for their futures.

Brianna and Colleen O’Leary know their father expects them to marry well. Yet despite his wishes, Brianna, the quieter sister, dreams of attending college. Vivacious Colleen, meanwhile, is happy to marry—as long as her father’s choice meets her exacting standards. When stable hand Gilbert Whelan returns from college and distant family member Rylan Montgomery stops in on his way to the seminary in Boston, the two men quickly complicate everyone’s plans. It will take every ounce of courage for both sisters to follow their hearts. And even if they do, will they inevitably find their dreams too distant to reach?

Susan's previous Everyone's Story's feature: When God's Dreams Are Bigger Than Ours

Susan's Ah-hahs To Tweet:
#HistoricalRomance author Susan Anne Mason @samason: It takes 1 person to believe in your writing! (Tweet This)

Author @samason: When courage to dream becomes the reality for publication of your novel. (Tweet This)

Everyone’s Story: Meet Susan Anne Mason @samason, writing romances sprinkled with faith. (Tweet This)

Authors' Bio:
Susan Anne Mason describes her writing style as “romance sprinkled with faith.” She particularly enjoys exploring the themes of forgiveness and redemption in her stories. Irish Meadows is her first historical novel and won the Fiction from the Heartland contest sponsored by the Mid-American Romance Author chapter of RWA.
Susan lives outside of Toronto, Ontario, with her husband, two children, and two cats. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and Romance Writers of America (RWA). Learn more about Susan and her books at

Places to connect with Susan:


  1. I so agree that it only takes one person to love your story! I'm so happy for you that David Long was the one who loved it! And it definitely sounds intriguing. Would love to meet if you come to ACFW.

    1. Thanks for visiting this evening, Pat. As I said in my intro to Susan, just the other week I saw her novel and said to myself: wow, I know her… she was a guest on my blog… and I hope to see more of her novels. And you know what? I reacted the same when I saws your first novel out there too!

  2. Hi Pat, Sadly I'm not attending this year, but hope to next year!
    I think we may have shared a table once at one of the conferences, right before your first book came out! Congrats on your career. Looks like you've been having a wonderful ride!

  3. Thanks for having me again, Elaine! It has been a crazy time since I was last here!

    1. The pleasure is mine, Susan, in hosting you! I hope it's been more a good crazy than awful, full of the excitement of launching your debut novel (well, of the current series, that is) and preparing the second. I wish you all the best!

  4. Wow, that was so encouraging what she said about it only takes one person to love your story! So true! It makes me want to continue on my calling. It's easy to think about how many rejections people often get. I tweeted that link about that quote! So good. Thank you Susan and Elaine!

    1. Myrna, thanks for visiting! What more--in my opinion--is that it also just takes 1 person to encourage you to continue on in your writing (not talking about buying one's book here, but the writing process itself), and more importantly, a special someone to continue moving forward through the days of life we're graced with.

      Hope to see you again!

    2. Myrna, So happy my story has given you some encouragement! Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Your Irish Meadows story is SO uplifting, Susan. Believing in your story - sometimes tough to do, but your eg. helps!! And your opening quote on this blog ALWAYS cheers me, Elaine. Thanks to both of you.

    1. Gail, I enjoy when you visit! I'm glad Susan's feature has brightened your spirits.

    2. Thanks so much, Gail! The key I think is believing it will happen!

  6. Congratulations, Susan Anne! Good for you for sticking to what you believed. Your story is an inspiration.

    1. I agree, Kathy--a very inspiring story! Love seeing you here.

    2. Thanks, Kathy. I'm happy to provide encouragement for people. I was so inspired and encouraged by many published authors and always wanted to do the same one day!

  7. Susan,
    Thank you for sharing your story as well as your belief. You're truly an inspiration. Irish Meadows sounds wonderful, and I'm thrilled that you found a kindred spirit with Dave Long from Bethany House, who gave your dream wings. Take care, and please know that I wish you every success.

    Elaine, thank you for sharing, Susan's story. Heartwarming. *Hugs*

    God bless

    1. Diana, thanks for visiting. You always bring with you a gift of warmth and make me smile.

    2. Aw, thanks so much, Diana! I appreciate your support!

  8. Though 9-11 is now a commemorative, reflective day of a not long ago horrific time in American history, I've been seeing it as a personal opportunity for myself, one of which I praise God for all He has done for me. The original 9-11 day has me embracing God stronger, letting Him control and grace my life the way He deems should happen. I'm saying all this because the writing journey is a parallel trip for many, at least for me, heading toward a goal that should not be a sole goal alone, but one of many to bring glory to Him. And so I thank you, Susan, for helping both writers and authors move forward on this ride of publication.

    Blessings to all.
