Friday, October 11, 2013

Winsome Campbell-Green: Heal The Pain Of Unworthiness

Everyone's Story welcomes author Winsome Campbell-Green. I became acquainted with Winsome through the joy of visiting another friend's blog and am thankful I did. Winsome, indeed a beautiful person, writes and crusades for the freedom and joy one gains when partnering with God to help you through rough times. Winsome shares her reflections on this, as well as an excerpt from her book CURB YOUR THOUGHTS. She looks forward to seeing your comments.


“…Get excited about life! You can have, be and do anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself. A simple affirmation of ‘I CAN DO IT’ will set your day rolling and put your life on the right path. Every good and generous thought, word and act makes a difference, in more ways than can ever be known. Being an optimist does not only mean seeing the brighter side of life. To be an optimist means to view the environment as a place to maximize your strengths and achievements while minimizing weaknesses and fears. It is difficult to change yourself in a day, but at least give it a try. Let go of fear and doubt; they will destroy you and your goals. A positive attitude in life will help you go places. Curb that fear and be the awesome person you are. Remember the words, “I CAN” and “I WILL”.
There was a time in my own life where I focused too much on the negative. It was the constant negative self-talk that left a cloud of darkness around me. As I mentioned I am not perfect, but I have fought my way through it. It can be really hard to break bad habits, but I do think it’s something that can be fixed. Without optimism in life, where would we be? To overcome years of negative self-talk I had to remind myself that I have a much bigger purpose. If you have not read Ten Life Changing Lessons, I went into details about the challenges I encountered such as the untimely death of my father. My story may or may not resonate with you, but I believe I learnt some valuable lessons. Optimism really got me through tough times. Whatever one is trying to accomplish, have patience and be positive. Challenge yourself to push through the doubts and fears to reach your goals. Being indecisive doesn’t get you anywhere. Opportunities rarely wait for self-doubt and insecurities. Optimism is the gateway to self-expression. It enhances self- confidence and boosts self-esteem. If you can start your day with an optimistic approach it will boost your productivity and facilitate healthy discussions and effective problem solving skills. Outline your goals and hold yourself accountable.
Try repeating the following positive affirmations daily and have faith that they will manifest in your life:
               God’s powerful love and light glows within and about me. I enjoy and love my wonderful life with no regrets...
               My positive attitude resonates with everyone I meet...
               My positive attitude motivates me to pursue my goals and develop every aspect of my life...”

From Tests To Testimonies: How Faith In God Can Transform Your Life by Winsome Campbell-Green

Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?...All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be Psalms 139. 7-16

To accomplish anything in life takes confidence, courage, and faith in your abilities and talents. It is my faith in God that allows me to be the strong woman I am today. I believe that God wants us to soar because we have victory, freedom and excellence on the inside. Every challenge you face is aligned with His divine will and purpose for your life. However, He wants us to have faith, trust Him, pray and remind Him of His promises for our lives. God permits each of us to undergo a series of tests to see if we are willing to change our attitude towards Him, people and ourselves.

My tests were losing my father to cancer; loss turned my faith to cynicism. I made wrong choices in social acquaintances and disregarded God’s word. My connection to God was severed. I could not let go of the pain of the past. I had believed that I could achieve my goals in my own strength and I took all the glory of accomplishments as my own.

However, God is faithful, holy, forgiving and just. God has a way of reaching down to you even if you are not reaching up to Him. For me, He always used my Mom, close friends, complete strangers, but especially my loving sister to remind me of His love for me. He wants to use me to fulfill His purpose here on earth. I was amazed at the intensity of His efforts to prove just how much He loved me and the lengths at which He pursue me.

Naturally, I feared and doubted that God’s love for me was that powerful. When I measured what God had to offer against the world I was simply overcome with bliss that Jesus already took everything I felt with Him to the cross. I learned that the tests God permits are to discover how courageous I am. During these times I heeded His command “Do not be afraid” (Deuteronomy 20.3). 

I began to listen to His voice as He took me on a journey of self-discovery. One by one most of my dreams began to manifest. I began to see myself as God saw me that I am the daughter of a King who is not moved by the world for my God is with me and goes before me. I do not fear because I am His. He showed me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139. 14) and I am clothed in strength and dignity and can laugh without fear of the future (Proverbs 31.25). Indulging and reminding myself daily of His promises in the Bible continually strengthened my courage and confidence.

Sometimes when God answers, what you want is not what you receive. When negative situations and emotions arise, praise God through it all. Never think He does not hear your prayers, but He is always listening. God answers in three ways: yes, no because He has something better, or maybe. The key is to let go and allow God to direct your life for a change. You render Him inactive if you try to rush ahead of His timetable for your life. For me by letting go of the past, I allowed God to open the door to my future. God already knows what you truly want to be. He has already assigned your “angels on earth”(friends, strangers, etc) into whom He has downloaded the Holy Spirit to reach out to you at the ideal time you will need them. God’s timing is perfect. You must believe you are blessed, favored and deeply loved by God. You are only required to keep growing in grace.

Everything I do is to the honor and glory of God and I make sure to give Him the credit. Instead of looking how far I have to go, I thank God for how far he has brought me. Having a grateful heart is a delight to God. Praising and worshipping God during the toughest of times allows to you to keep your mind focused on God instead of your problems. God will fight your battles, but you only need to be still. No matter what you are going through, God can turn your tests into testimonies.

Winsome's Ah-hahs To Tweet:

Everyone has a story: Winsome Campbell-Green shares her loss, struggles, and powerful comeback. (Tweet This)

Do you partner with God through rough times? Discover how to with author Winsome Campbell-Green. (Tweet This)

Winsome Campbell-Green: Who fights your battles? God or you? (Tweet This)

Author Bio:
I am a multi-talented young woman who has a passion for writing and inspiring people. I hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree with very high honors and hope to change thoughts and lives of people with my books. Currently I am working on more books that will provide greater insight. I hope to inspire young adults (male and female), especially women, who have struggled to find their true purpose in life and who now want to live a life of strength, promise, purpose, power and potential. I am happily married to my best friend, who is my loving husband, and enjoy traveling and experiencing different cultures. Being the cheerful woman that I am, I believe in celebrating life and accept each day with gratitude and love. My hope is that my books will continue to inspire and uplift readers from all over the world.

Connect With Winsome:


  1. Wonderful and uplifting testimony. Thank you for sharing. I have learned too what it means to trust in God through the tough times. There may be some low points, but God is faithful and always brings you through.

    Ann Ellison

  2. Thank you Ann! I am so thankful to really share what is so close to my heart. I agree that our God is so faithful.

    1. Thanks, Ann, for visiting once again. You always brighten my day when I see you.

      We may never understand in this present lifetime why we go through the things we do in one day's time, but I for one am so very thankful that God is right beside me each and every time.

  3. A wonderful message! Thank you for sharing your story and your thoughts to help inspire and motivate others. One of the greatest blessings I've discovered is to be in the middle of something difficult and to look up and say, "I trust you." I wish that happened in every situation, but am grateful it's my default button more than not these days. Wishing you wonderful outreach with your ministry.

    1. Lisa, it's also a pleasure to see you here. I like those simple but powerful words: I trust you. I think I'll borrow those :)

  4. Thank you Lisa! God is so faithful to us so we need to trust him.

  5. What a moving message. I made terrible choices and wandered in the wilderness for 30 years, but God never let go of me. I learned He can indeed redeem the years the locust ate. God bless you in your ministry.

    1. Thank you Patricia! God restores.

    2. I'm forever making wrong choices and wandering too, Pat. So relieved He keeps pointing us in the right direction.

      Love seeing you here, Pat!

  6. Excellent article!

    1. I appreciate your visit this evening--hope to see you again.

  7. Winsome: You are quite a prolific author. Thank you for your inspiring and insightful books.

    May He redeem my years that the locust have eaten. I surely wasted many, and invested in things that in retrospect, were not nearly as important as they seemed at the time.

    Thank you for sharing with us, and thank you also, Elaine, for your faithfulness in providing this forum so that so many can share their stories.

    KB Schaller

    1. KB, welcome back. Heartfelt thanks for your sweet words. I'm reading this at 4 AM and must say that you've just lifted me up :)

      It's an honor to host beautiful and encouraging people like Winsome--and yourself.


    2. Thank you KB Schaller, for your sweet words. I am so honored Elaine asked me to share my story :)

  8. This week on Everyone's Story ends on a sturdy positive note and we have author Winsome Campbell-Green to thank. Winsome, thanks for a week of encouragement to not only continue step-after-step forward in life but to do so with a bounce in our steps because we know God is taking us to a place where He wants us to be and because He designed us to be who we are: beautiful people.

    Blessings to you, and to all my lovely viewers.


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