Kate is offering 1 printed copy of either NOT BY SIGHT or FOR SUCH A TIME to 1 randomly chosen commenter, US only. The winner will be announced here on Friday, August 21st between 5-6 PM EST. To be entered in the Giveaway, please leave your contact information within your comment (you may choose to use the Contact Me form to privately send me your email address--the form is in the right-hand sidebar on the blog's main page, toward the bottom).
Book Jacket Blurb for NOT BY SIGHT:
In the spring of 1917, all of Britain's attention is on the WWI
war front and the thousands of young men serving their country on the front
lines. Jack Benningham, dashing heir to the Earl of Stonebrooke, is young and
able-bodied but refuses to enlist despite the contempt of his peers.
A wealthy young suffragette, Grace Mabry will do anything to assist her country's cause. Men like Jack infuriate her when she thinks of her own brother fighting in the trenches of France, so she has no reservations about handing him a white feather of cowardice at a posh masquerade ball.
But Grace could not anticipate the danger and betrayal set into motion by her actions, and soon she and Jack are forced to learn the true meaning of courage when the war raging overseas suddenly strikes much closer to home and their fervent beliefs become a matter of life and death.
A wealthy young suffragette, Grace Mabry will do anything to assist her country's cause. Men like Jack infuriate her when she thinks of her own brother fighting in the trenches of France, so she has no reservations about handing him a white feather of cowardice at a posh masquerade ball.
But Grace could not anticipate the danger and betrayal set into motion by her actions, and soon she and Jack are forced to learn the true meaning of courage when the war raging overseas suddenly strikes much closer to home and their fervent beliefs become a matter of life and death.
God’s Takeaway Bonus For Readers and Writers by Kate Breslin
Elaine, thank you so much for hosting me this week on
Everyone’s Story! And I love your tagline, “Rejoice in the Good Stuff, Ignore
any Discouragement.” Words to live by!
This week, I’d like to talk about the marvelous ways God
works in our lives, through the books we read and as
authors creating stories. Many readers I’m sure will agree they’ve read a scene
in a novel that has given them timely inspiration, or a passage from Scripture that
spoke to their hearts at just the right moment. As writers, these messages work
on a more subconscious level, but they still ring true. In my debut novel, For Such A Time, I wrote about a woman with
the courage and faith to stand up for her people, to the point of risking death.
It was also a message about love, and how that powerful Force can conquer the
worst kind of evil. In writing the story, I found my own sense of courage, just
like my heroine, along with a deeper understanding of my faith. I strengthened my
conviction to continue writing inspirational stories regardless of whether I
published a book or not.
In my second novel, Not
By Sight, the message was a bit different. The main recurring theme deals with
the peril of judging others. In the opening scene, my heroine, Grace Mabry, has
preconceived notions about our hero, Jack Benningham. She assumes he’s a coward
who refuses to enlist in the war, simply because he’s in London and not in
France fighting alongside her brother. She’s also heard the gossip at her
father’s London tea establishment, declaring the future earl of Stonebrooke to
be “a playboy and a gambler who stays out until dawn.” Grace’s opinion is
therefore already formed when she confronts him at a London costume ball and
hands him a white feather of cowardice. She has no idea he’s working undercover
for the Crown, or that her actions will set into motion events surrounded in danger
and betrayal. It’s only later in the story that she realizes her error, feeling
the sting of her own prejudiced blade when she finds her reputation maligned.
Once again, I wrote the story, aware on a subconscious
level the lessons God was putting in my path. I became attuned to those times
when I exercised my own assumptions, making rash judgments about a person or situation
without obtaining all of the facts. (I confess, while working on Not By Sight, I was surprised at how
often I caught myself.)
Making quick judgments is easy nowadays, as a barrage of media
is thrown at us, each station, newspaper, even Internet blogposts reporting the
same incident with different slants. Oftentimes the stories get blown out of
proportion in an effort to attract new followers or viewers. With our busy
lives, it’s too much trouble to “sift through the chaff to get to the wheat” of
a story, and so we take what we’re given as fact. Thankfully, we have a bit more
control when it comes to our own circle of family and friends. If not, we might
all be lambasting one another. (grinning)
A second theme that plays into the first is a Scripture
passage and part of my novel’s title: “We live by faith, and not by sight.” (2 Cor.
5:7 NIV) For our hero Jack, that means choosing to see with his heart and not things
as they appear on the surface. For Grace, it’s learning that there’s always
more than one side to a story.
For me, it’s a reminder to cling to the Truth and ignore
what the world would otherwise have me believe. These are my takeaway thoughts
as a writer; those subliminal messages God puts on my heart. Yet I also know
each person can discern something different from a book or a passage in
Scripture, so it’s my hope that readers will receive from my stories the
message God wants them to hear most.
KATE's Ah-hahs To Tweet:
Everyone’s Story: @Kate_Breslin shares insights from
writing her novels #BookGiveaway (Tweet This)
Author @Kate_Breslin asks: does God place subliminal
messages on your heart? (Tweet This)
@Kate_Breslin: God’s takeaway bonus for #readers and #writers
#BookGiveaway (Tweet This)
Authors' Bio:
Former bookseller-turned-author
Kate Breslin enjoys life in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and family. A
writer of travel articles and award-winning poetry, Kate received
Christian Retailing's 2015 Best Award for First Time Author and her debut
novel, For Such A Time, is a Christy award, RITA award, and Carol award
finalist. Kate's second novel, Not By Sight released in August, 2015. When
she's not writing inspirational fiction, Kate enjoys reading or taking long
walks in Washington's beautiful woodlands. She also likes traveling to new
places, both within the U.S. and
abroad, having toured Greece, Rome, and much of Western Europe. New
destinations make for fresh story ideas.
Places to connect with Kate:
**It's summer and time to have a bit of fun. Please take this month's new Poll on the right-hand sidebar on your summer reading pleasure. You'll earn an extra BookGiveaway point for Kate's offer if you take the poll and comment about it within your blog comment (and yes, I'm going on the honor-system). And, if you've already took August's poll, let me know and I'm sure I can give you an extra point too (wink wink). Thanks!
Great post, and wonderful reminder to all of us that it is important to know a person's heart before we make judgments. Good stuff, ladies. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWell said, Linda! I appreciate your visit this evening. I appreciate you!
DeleteI agree, Linda, the world would be a much better place. Thanks for your post!
Delete"cling to the Truth and ignore what the world would otherwise have me believe." This is something we all need to do, and it's so timely in the barrage that's going on. Lifting you up every day, Kate.
ReplyDelete(and Elaine, I'm the who-has-time-to-read vote. gah. I'd trade my garden for a day in my chair reading a book!!!) patterly atgmail{dot}com
Patty, I'm so glad you visited… and voted. Yea. As for the garden, take notes so you can ease that guilt since you can always use that info in a novel, right?
DeletePatty, thank you! Words to live by. And from someone who is too busy to enjoy her garden, I'll live vicariously through you. :) God bless!
DeleteWonderful post! :) I can't wait to read Not By Sight!
ReplyDeleteI took the poll! I'd say my reading in the summer stays pretty much the same as it is the rest of the year.
amyputney89 [at] gmail [dot] com
Amy, welcome to Everyone's Story. I'm happy that you enjoyed Kate's feature. Thanks for taking the poll.
DeleteHope to see you again.
Thanks for posting, Amy. Good luck on the giveaway!
DeleteYes, I think it's been quite the week of learning how to think calmly and civilly, and always being kind. I'm reading "For Such a Time" now, and I'm actually glad I'm reading it for it's an interesting fictitious story, almost like a tall-tale of sorts, with enough realistic historical detail to allow for effective suspension of disbelief. It is also very carefully written with sensitivity to different groups and characters. I am enjoying it, and looking forward to reading "Not By Sight." ( esp. as a fan of the BBC series: Upstairs, Downstairs, and anything set during the time of WWI
ReplyDeleteEmail Address: narniafanatic@gmail.com
Justin, thanks for visiting and welcome to Everyone's Story. Kind words for Kate. Do check back to see her response. I agree with your review of For Such A Time and doubly agree about how one must always be kind to one another.
DeleteJustin, thank you for your consideration, and I'm very pleased you're able to 'suspend disbelief' in reading For Such A Time--always a fiction writer's goal. :) I do hope you'll enjoy reading Not By Sight as well!
DeleteI love the cover design "For such a time." I added it to my pinterest board "covers I like." Very good post. We all find ourselves making judgments without actual knowledge. This summer I've been reading advance copy of Lisa Wingate's new book "The Seakeeper's Daughters." It was wonderful. Now I have switched to reading 5 children's books that are Ohio history. Good books with the Gospel clarly woven into the story. I'd love to have a copy of "For Such a Time" to share with my single gals at church. I'm the unofficial mobile librarian.
ReplyDeleteBarbara, it's always nice to see you here. I'm glad you enjoyed what Kate had to share. How wonderful that you're the librarian for the single gals, official or not!
DeleteAnd thanks for the Tweet on Kate.
Thank you, Barbara! I love both my book covers and feel very blessed that Bethany House has a fabulous art department. I hope you'll get the chance to read For Such A Time!
DeleteThanks for the insight to Kate Breslin's books. I haven't read either yet, but I will!
ReplyDeletetwinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com
Pegg, so nice to see you here. Kate's FOR SUCH A TIME is a gripping story.
DeleteHope to see you again!
Thanks for posting, Pegg! I hope you'll enjoy both books! :)
DeleteEnjoyed reading Kate's interview and comments. I have read and loved both of her books. Please do not include me in the drawing as I do have print copies of both. Give someone else the blessing to receiving a copy.
ReplyDeleteAnn, you are so sweet and kind. I'm honored to have met you (cyber wise or otherwise) and am happy when we chat.
DeleteThanks for visiting.
Ann, thank you so much!! Your words warm my heart. God bless!
DeleteIt's so easy to judge others. And it usually comes back to bite us. We need to walk a mile in the other person's shoes before we judge them...easy to say but not always easy to do. Great post!
ReplyDeleteHappy to see you, Pat. And you know that!
DeleteI agree about how one should be careful in words, deeds, and thoughts because you're so right--it does come back to bite.
Amen, Patricia! We cannot know what someone else might be going through until we put ourselves in their place. It can be a humbling, enlightening experience, a "God moment" on insight. :) Thanks for your post!
DeleteNot By Sight is in my TBR stack! I'd love to add For Such A time to it too.. Enjoyed meeting Kate today, I liked the blurb & I need to go read Not By Sight next! !
ReplyDeleteI did the survey too :)
dkstevensneAToutlookD otCo M
A pleasure to see you, Deanna. Always! I appreciate your enthusiasm :)
DeleteThank you, Deanna! I hope you enjoy reading both stories. God bless!
DeleteElaine, thanks for inviting Kate to visit.
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed "For Such a Time" and am looking forward to reading "Not by Sight".
They are 3 powerful words that we perhaps don't reflect on enough. It is in the unseen where real power resides. I read recently an Oswald Chambers quote: "It is the unseen and spiritual in people, that determines the outward and the actual."
Congratulations, Kate, on your second novel and thanks for reminding us of the importance of seeking the "unseen".
Great quote, Ian. So timely and perfect. I'm glad you visited and shard.
DeleteIan, thank you! And I appreciate your comment. Seeing the 'unseen', with the heart first--is always seeing with the eyes of Love. Bless you!
DeleteWhoa! Ian. I am pulling out my Oswald Chambers again. That is an awesome quote. Thanks for sharing.
DeleteI really enjoyed For Such a Time and am looking forward to reading Not By Sight. The more I read about it, the more I want to read it.
ReplyDeleteI took your poll.
Thanks for this post by Kate and the chance to win her book.
Pam, thanks so much for visiting. And for taking the poll. I'm glad that Kate has a sweet fan in you.
DeleteHope to see you again.
Pam, thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading For Such A Time! I hope you get the chance to read Not By Sight as well. Blessings!
DeleteThanks so much for sharing Katie!! I can't wait to read your books, they've been on my reading bucket list for awhile now!! alander87 at allcom dot net
ReplyDeleteAbby, a warm welcome to Everyone's Story. I appreciate your visit and hope to see you again.
DeleteAw, Abby, thanks for posting! I have quite the mountain of books to read myself. :) I hope enjoy both stories when you the chance!
DeleteEvery time I make a snap judgement, almost immediately I'm shamed with the truth that things are far different than I thought. Sigh. Wish I'd learn my lesson. Both of Kate's books are on my to read list, but I'd like to start with Such a Time. Elaine, you should already have my contact info.
ReplyDeleteJ'nell, thanks for visiting. I'm pretty sure I can easily contact you ;) Not a problem.
DeleteOn the same level of making snapped judgements, I've had many life lessons on "knee-jerk" reactions when my first reaction is to say an emphatic NO to something I should have given careful consideration to… and say a yes.
Thank you, J'nell. Yes, those snap judgments get me into trouble, too! And Elaine, you're right, sometimes we have to weigh things out. Our responses are often emotional before they're rational. Wouldn't it be great if we could freeze time for five minutes to think about a "snap decision" before we make it? :) J'nell, thanks for being so supportive, and I hope you enjoy my stories!
DeleteYou're right, Kate. They freeze time in the movies and TV for the character to ponder… so not fair that we can't either. LOL.
DeleteElaine - It's great to see Kate at your blog. I always enjoy your
ReplyDeletemeaningful posts.
Hi Kate - thank you for sharing your heart on writing and
how God's truth has worked in you. I appreciated the beautiful
story of grace and redemption in For Such a Time. I look
forward to reading Not by Sight!
kerouser[at]gmail[dot]com And I already took the August poll!
And I always enjoy seeing you visit, Kathy. Thanks for sharing sweet words with Kate.
DeleteKathy, thank you for your kind words about For Such A Time! You'll find Not By Sight is quite a different story, but I hope you enjoy it as much. God bless!
DeleteGreat post! I'm reading Not By Sight this week so I loved hearing Kate's viewpoint on the themes. I always love watching Hod weave those pieces together as we write!
ReplyDeleteSusan, good to see you! I'm glad Kate will begin her day by seeing your support.
DeleteThanks, Susan! I believe story is so powerful--to readers and writers. Jesus, the Word, told parables to help people understand what He was saying. God puts things on our hearts, revelations that we need to speak out about or get down on paper and share with the world. I am always amazed at what He shows me. :) Blessings!
DeleteThe new book sounds great, Kate! Don't put me in the drawing though, it's already in my TBR pile!!!! God bless you.
ReplyDeleteMary, great to see you again! Hmm. I think I can see Kate smiling from here, 3,000 miles cross country!
DeleteHi, Mary, thanks for stopping by and I appreciate the support!
DeleteElaine and Kate, thank you for this encouraging post. Several truths jumped out at me, especially Kate's own grace and strength in such a time as this.
ReplyDeleteAs someone else said, don't add me to the drawing. Both books are already on my TBR list. :)
Pam, thanks for stopping by and adding your support. I'm sure Kate will smile when she reads your comment, but you certainly have made me smile as well.
DeleteHope to see you again.
Pam, thank you for your encouragement and support! God continues to play on those words to me, "For Such A Time," and while I cannot predict the future, I trust that He will turn all things to His good. Bless you!
DeleteYour treatise about overcoming a judgmental spirit is SO powerful, Kate. And right now I'm picturing you walking in those wonderful NW woods as the humid heat of August bores down on the midwest --enjoy!! gkittleson at myomnitel dot com
ReplyDeleteGail, it's always a pleasure seeing you here! I'm glad Kate's words resonated with you.
DeleteAnd speaking of humidity and heat--whew! We're in for a horrid week of weather as well. Give me 70 degrees any day!
Thanks, Gail! We actually have some cool weather today--the first in weeks. Along with a little Pac NW rain. Feels great! :)
DeleteKate, this is an especially timely and inspiring post. I am encouraged and humbled by your gracious heart. I just downloaded the Kindle version of this book yesterday so don't enter me in the draw. Now I have a full Kate Breslin library! Woo! Hoo!
ReplyDeleteTina, thanks for stopping by today. I so appreciate your sweet words for Kate.
DeleteHope to see you again!
Tina, thank you! And I love the sound of that, "full library" LOL! My friend, I appreciate your prayers and encouragement, a sign of God's grace at work, cheering me on. Bless you!
DeleteI have not read "For Such a Time" yet but "Not by Sight" is in my TBR and reviews for this month and I can't wait to read it. The whole judging people without knowing them reminds me a little of my favorite book: Pride & Prejudice. Looking forward to a good read.
ReplyDeleteemail: nashpredsfan@yahoo.com
Suzie, welcome to Everyone's Story. There's so much craziness in this world that I am thankful, thankful, thankful, that He loves us and looks after us.
DeleteHope to see you again.
Hi, Suzie, thank you for your post! I think you'll find traces of the P&P theme in my story, so I hope you enjoy!
DeleteGreat reminders to live by. Thank you for a great post.
ReplyDeleteKaty Lee
Thanks for visiting today, Katy. I'm glad you were inspired by Kate's words.
DeleteHope to see you again!
Katy, thanks for posting. I appreciate your support, too. God bless!
DeleteKate's "For Such a Time" is one of the best inspirational books I have ever read. Well-written, thought-provoking, truth-piercing. I look forward to reading "Not By Sight."
ReplyDeleteAh--"truth-piercing." I like that, Davalyn! Thanks for visiting.
DeleteDavalynn, God bless you for saying that! I am honored. And I love your description, "truth-piercing." Thank you for keeping the faith! xox
DeleteKate, both books have beautiful covers, but this new one is especially gorgeous. I love the description of the book and can't wait to read it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting, Suzie, and for sharing your excitement. I love seeing that kind of energy on this blog--how story makes the reader (and writer) electrify!
DeleteThank you, Suzie! And I hope enjoy reading Not By Sight! :)
DeleteHi, Elaine! Hi, Kate! Great post!
ReplyDeleteI have For Such a Time on my Kindle and it just moved to the top of my TBR list. Thank you for being such a bright light for God that those in light and in darkness stand up and take notice. Praying for you and your new release!
nataliedmonk at gmail dot com
Natalie, thanks for visiting Everyone's Story. That's so beautifully expressed: a bright light for God that those in (both) light and archness stand up and take notice. Powerful!
DeleteHope to see you again.
Natalie, your words touch my heart! Thank you for that, and it's my sincerest hope that you enjoy reading For Such A Time. God bless!
Deleteeek! I'm SO EXCITED about Not by Sight! I read For Such a Time in one day, I couldn't put it down! (we had cereal for supper that night, shh don't tell.lol) You are such a talented author, I can't wait to see what you write next!
ladepooh AT hotmail.com
Lea, thanks for visiting Everyone's Story. I'm believing your joy over Kate's novels will make her day!
DeleteHope to see you again.
Book reading beats out making dinner? Oh, Lea, music to this author's ears! :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, and I hope you'll feel the same about Not By Sight!
DeleteI really enjoyed reading this post, because I always am fascinated by the thinking processes behind books. I'm almost sorry I read it, though, because now I have to add these two novels to my already way too long TBR pile. They both look like just the kind of novel I love best: a fascinating story with that "something more" that makes me think! lauramctx at gmail
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting with Kate and me today, Laura. What's life without the view of mountains of books waiting to be read?
DeleteHope to see you again.
Laura, thank you! And really, too many books--is that a problem? ;) When you finally reach for them in your stack, I hope you enjoy. God bless!
DeleteEnjoyed this inspiring post with Kate and hearing of the discoveries she made while writing these two powerful novels. God continue to bless as you write to His glory.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting, Pat Jeanne. I'm glad you were uplifted by Kate's encouraging words.
DeleteHope to see you again.
Amen, Pat! Thank you for posting. I feel very blessed to write inspirational fiction!
DeleteI loved For Such a Time and recognized all the work that went into the details, etc. I believe she was meant to write it--and write it in such a way that it brought awful details to the mind, but showed God's grace. I don't need to be put in the drawing!
ReplyDeleteKaren, a writer captures the moment of time but does not create the hardship that man inflicts upon others. I agree that Kate detailed this sad chapter of history quite well.
DeleteThanks for visiting.
Bless you for your encouraging words to me, Karen! It was a difficult story to write, but one I felt impassioned to tell, and in a way that would reach a broad audience. That horrific time in history must never be forgotten. Thanks for your post!
DeleteI would love a copy of NOT BY SIGHT by Kate Breslin!
ReplyDelete(email sent via Contact Form)
Kirsten Perkey
Kirsten, you're definitely in the drawing for Kate's Giveaway. Thanks for visiting, and thanks for using the "Contact Me" option.
DeleteHope to see you again!
Hi Kirsten, thanks for your post. I hope you'll get the chance to read Grace and Jack's story!
DeleteI'm afraid I tend to be much like Grace in the area of making quick judgements about people. It's always better to take time and get to know more of a person's story...
ReplyDeleteI voted in the pole, reading habits tend to stay the same year round.
Good to see you, Patty. You're entered in the drawing!
DeleteAnd thanks for taking the poll. I'm learning so much about readers and their likes and dislikes.
Hi Patty, I agree, though I'm pretty certain we've all jumped to conclusions at one time or another. Still, it takes courage to admit and I commend you for that. :) I hope you'll get the chance to read Not By Sight!
DeleteI love how God uses Christian fiction to speak. He can use anything to get our attention can't He? But using something we love to do, read, and also speak to us in subtle and big ways through it is amazing. Thanks for being part of that!
ReplyDeleteNancy, I agree. God seems to favor the art of storytelling.
DeleteThanks for sending your email via contact form.
Hope to see you again!
Nancy, thanks for your post! It's amazing, isn't it? I always enjoy discovering which scenes in a novel touch people the most--and it's always a different answer. I believe it's because we are each on our own journey, learning at our own pace the message God wants us to hear. Blessings to you!
DeleteI took the poll also! Blessings to you both!
DeleteI loved Kate's book, For Such a Time. I'd love to win her new book, Not by Sight. E-mail FrontiersofFaith@AnnaLeeConti.com.
ReplyDeleteSo happy to see you, AnnaLee!! I know Kate will be as well.
DeleteAnnaLee, thank you very much! I'm thrilled you enjoyed reading For Such A Time, and I hope you'll get to read Not By Sight as well. Blessings to you!
DeleteHaven't had the pleasure of reading either of Kate's books as yet and am intrigued to learn of the vast consequences of that one small white feather... >Definitely an interesting read that's sure to fit with my summer reading pleasure!<
ReplyDeleteGreat poll, Elaine :) Thanks for the intro and hosting Kate!
Nice to see you again, Sharon! I'm happy to have introduced you to an author whom I know you will enjoy.
DeleteI did receive your email via the contact form--thanks.
Hi Sharon! Thank you for your interest, and I hope you'll get to read a copy of Not By Sight. Yes, the perils of a single white feather... ;) God bless!
DeleteLet's all say Wonderful! That's what this past week has been like for myself, for my guest, Kate Breslin, and her many supporters and fans. What an awesome turnout… and many more viewers have stopped by thought they haven't commented (blog stats!). What I truly hope and have prayed for is that this spells a blessing for Kate in continued success with her novels.
ReplyDeleteThanks too, Kate, for your lovely BookGiveaway offer. And, the lucky winner who has a choice between Kate's NOT BY SIGHT or FOR SUCH A TIME is…
Nancy M.!! Nancy, both Kate and I will contact you by direct email. Happy reading!
Blessings to all.
Elaine, thank you so much for hosting me this week on Everyone's Story and allowing me to share with readers a bit about my writing journey. :) I've had a wonderful time and look forward to coming back for visit in the future. Blessings to all!
ReplyDeleteYou are always welcome here, Kate.